Mr Luke McCoy

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:BSc Product Design
  • Position:Design and Model Making Workshop Technician
  • Department:College of Arts, Technology and Environment School of Architecture and Environment
  • Telephone:+441173285153
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo Facebook logo

About me

As a Design and Model Making Workshop Technician, I support students and staff as they model make and prototype in the R Block workshops.  Using a wide ranging knowledge of materials and processes, I help students develop creative and innovative solutions in both their model making and their designs.


My background is as a product designer but it has always been made objects and the materials they are made from that interest me.


I work part time at the university whilst also running my own Furniture Design business.

Area of expertise

Model Making and PrototypingProduct DesignDesignMaterialsFabricationWoodworkingCeramics/Conrete/Wood/MetalPlastics WorkingLaser cuttingRhinoceros Modelling Softwareprototyping


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