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- Qualifications:BSc (Hon), MSc, PGCE, PhD.
- Position:Professor in Computer Simulation and Machine Vision
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
- Telephone:+4411732 82009
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About me
Professor in Computer Simulation and Machine Vision
Director of the Centre for Machine Vision, School of Engineering, UWE Bristol
I have over thirty years of experience of research in the field of Computer Simulation and Machine Vision, with particular emphasis on 3D analysis of complex surface textures and object morphologies. Since joining the University of the West of England (UWE) I have been entered in every RAE/REF submission that has occurred and have published 200 technical papers (half in international journals). I have also written three science related books, edited and written another 2 books, undertaken 4 guest editorships of international journals, and have been named as inventor in 12 patent applications. I have successfully supervised twenty PhDs and am currently engaged in supervising further PhD candidates. I have worked at UWE for over 30 years, 25 of which have been spent building up the Centre for Machine Vision (CMV) into a major UWE research centre. Currently I am Director of CMV; and also make a significant contribution to teaching at UWE. The latter has included developing and leading numerous courses over many years, as well as establishing the Scorpion Machine Vision Laboratory in the UWE Digital Gallery, which is a showcase installation in the new £65M Engineering Building at the Frenchay Campus.
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Area of expertise
I have developed numerous advanced computer vision systems, some of which have been marketed and sold internationally, while others have provided new medical functionality. While a current major area of activity relates to agri-tech, over the years my work in CMV has covered a wide range of sectors. For example, a high-resolution 3D texture vision system (the Skin Analyser), which I developed, was employed over a number of years at Frenchay Hospital, for analysis of potentially cancerous skin lesions. My computer simulations, which have included Monte Carlo techniques and neural networks, resulted in a new method for 3D analysis that has been employed by other researchers as well as being developed into commercial software. I have obtained project funding from a range of public and private sources, that has included EPSRC, NHS, TSB, DTI, MRC, MOD, as well as companies in the UK, US and a range of other countries. My research outcomes have included 20 successful PhD supervisions, 200 papers (half in international journals), 4 books; and working prototype and commercial systems that have been delivered to clients internationally. In 1998 and 1999 I was Director of Computer Simulation in the P/M Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA. More recently I acted as Guest Editor for the special issue of the international journal 'Computers in Industry', entitled 'Outdoor Machine Vision'. Currently I am Director of the Centre for Machine Vision.