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- Position:Senior lecturer - Illustration
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+4411732 87042
About me
For many years I have been illustrating under the name Marian Hill, producing images for a wide range of publishing and editorial clients. My work has appeared on book jackets, in numerous magazines, on greetings cards and postage stamps.I have a passion for location drawing and use collage to produce my published illustrations.
Illustration clients have included: Random House, Faber and Faber, Simon and Schuster, Fox Finch & Tepper, Macmillan Publishing, Waitrose, Gardens Illustrated, Country Living, BBC Homes and Antiques, Royal Mail and the Guardian.
In recent years I have begun generating more personal work, selling original artwork through galleries, whilst also working on personally driven illustration projects. My current obsession with beetles and local ecology has evolved into a insect illustration project called Buzz & Scuttle which is developing at pace.
Using my insect illustrations, I have been designing public information posters to be displayed in schools, playgrounds and gardens to encourage insect appreciation and show how many amazing insect species maybe spotted in the local area. I want to show how to create habitat where insects can thrive and show that It’s not hard to make great habitat for insects in an urban area. Simple changes can often make a big difference.
I have been working with a growing number of organisations big and small, including Bath Parks Department, Bathscape, The Wildlife Trust, Festival of Nature, Creekside Nature Reserve Deptford, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and many more.
You can follow my progress on twitter @hill_marian . I also have a more general Instagram account: @marian.hill and a website: or
Area of expertise
Drawing and collage