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Research staff:
- Qualifications:BA (Oxon), MA (Manchester), PhD (London), PG Cert (Liverpool)
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Modern European History/ History Programme Leader
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+4411732 84380
About me
My research interests lie in the history of modern France, in particular the history of the French right and ideas of national identity/national history. I am interested in myths, collective memory and commemoration. I have published on French Legitimism (Royalism) and Legitimist/Catholic responses to the celebration of 1789. I have recently wirtten on the French papal volunteers (Pontifical zouaves) and their role in the Franco-Prussian war. My last two publications reflect my interest in commemoration: one explores the commemoration of the battle of Loigny, fought in 1870, the other the commemoration of the baptism of Clovis, first Christian king of France, as celebrated at Reims in 1896. My current project is an exploration of late nineteenth-century Catholic ideas of France and the French nation.