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Research staff:
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:Oxford AICert.; PGCHE; MA Business and Management; PhD Computer Application; PGD Applied Social Research; MSc Information Technology; MBCS, FHEA, MIEEE
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Engineering
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
- Telephone:+4411732 83900
Area of expertise
Information Systems, Knowledge-based and
Expert Systems, Human-Computer Interaction; Digital/Social Media; Multimedia
Systems and Application Development; Database Design and Modelling; Research
Methodologies; Soft Systems Methodologies; PDLC, SDLC; Project Management; Computer Programming
Principles; Data Communication System; Data Manipulation and Analysis; Software Engineering; UX Design and Agile Development;
Requirements Engineering; Quality and Configuration Management.; Big Data Analytics & Informatics;
Lean Manufacturing and Management; Supply Chain Management; Critical Success Factors; Managing Change in Organizations.