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Department staff:
- Qualifications:MSc, PhD, FHEA
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Structures and Composites
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
- Telephone:+4411732 81278
About me
Matt O'Donnell completed his BSc. in Mathematics and Physics (2007) at the University of Warwick. This was followed by his G.Dip (2008) and MSc. (2009) in Civil Engineering at University College London where he investigated the effect of nonlinear wave behaviour for tuned sloshing dampers under the supervision of Eugeny Buldakov. He then moved to ACCIS at the University of Bristol to complete his PhD (2014) under the supervision of Prof. Paul Weaver. He investigated how non-symmetric composite laminates can improve the performance of stringer runouts in collaboration with Airbus using Abaqus finite element analysis and bespoke semi-analytical analysis tools developed in Python. He completed post-doctoral research as part of the HiPerDuCT programme developing a restrained nonlinear helical lattice structure with a pseudo-ductile response.
He was appointed as Lecturer in Composite Structures in 2015 at the University of Bristol and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2019. He has taught a range of units covering programming, numerical methods, structural analysis, structural dynamics, and numerical research methods and software development for composites. His research covered a variety of topics ranging from optimising structural composites with Dasi bikes, to advanced curing methods for thick composite components with Hitachi Chemical Co. He continued to develop high-performance elastic structures that exploit geometric nonlinearity to achieve bespoke responses. In 2019 he held a joint appointment as a research fellow developing a Matlab code base for processing shaking table experimental data in a joint project with EDF as part of nuclear reactor dynamic safety analysis.
In 2020 he was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Structures and Composites at the University of the West of England. His active research areas include the development of efficient numerical cure mechanics of composites (with Bristol University), developing hierarchical nonlinear (meta-)materials (with Bristol University), exploring the behaviour of compliant shell mechanisms (with Bucknell University), investigating topologically reconfigurable structures (with the Bernal Institute, Limerick).
I am currently open to new PhD students in the above areas.
Area of expertise
Structural Analysis, Morphing Structures, Composite Structures, Numerical Methods, Analytical Models