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Department staff:
- University of Leeds
- Politecnico di Milano, Italy - polimi
- Queen's University Belfast
- University of Calabria, Italy
Research staff:
- Electric vehicle technology
- Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle(FCHEV)
- Energy management and advanced learning methods in EVs
- Exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots
- Intelligent control (ML-DL-RL, FL)
- Mechatronics system design
- Nonlinear control on hydrogen fuel cell systems
Teaching staff:
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Electric Vehicle Technology
- Department:School of Engineering
- Telephone:+441179656261
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About me
Dr Mehdi RakhtalaRostami is a senior lecturer in Electric Vehicle Technology at UWE Bristol. He received his PhD degree in Control and Automation Engineering in 2013. He joined the Queen's University Belfast as a'' Mechatronics Industry 4.0 programme developer for undergraduate and postgraduate'' in 2022. He was Head of the Electrical Department from 2017 until 2021 at Golestan University. He has been involved in the electrical engineering department as an Assistant Professor from 2013 to 2022 at Golestan University.
With more than 25 years of experience in academic and industrial environments, Mehdi has been involved with numerous successful projects (7 research projects and funds and 22 industrial projects).
His research outcomes have included the successful co-supervisory of 3 PhD students and the supervisory of 20 MSc students.
The outputs of research projects and student supervisory were published in 63 journal and conference papers, with 1 patent and 2 awards.
1- Mechatronics Programme developer at Queen's University Belfast-2022-2023
2- Head of the Electrical Department at Golestan University 2017-2021
3-Assistant Professor at Golestany University-Iran- 2013-2022
4- Research fellow-University of Warwick-WMG -2016
5- University di Cagliari-Automatic Lab -Italia-2011
6- Guest Lecturer at Babol University of Technology (BNTU)-2005-2009.
7- Head of control group -Fuel cell research centre- Babol Noshirvani University of Technology(BNTU)-2004- 2008.
8- Senior electronic engineer- battery company from 1998-2004.
Area of expertise
1- Advanced learning and Intelligent Control (RL-ML- Evolutionary algorithms)
2- Control theory of nonlinear control and observer: High-order sliding mode control and observer/estimator
3- Applications:
- Hybrid electric vehicle and energy management, EVs
- Fuel cell systems, FCEVs
-Zero energy systems based on renewable energy
-Power converters control and simulation
4- Mechatronics system design:
- Rehabilitation and wearable robots
-Soft robotic
-Precision control of 3D printers
-Industrial automation systems (PLCs)