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- Qualifications:BA, PGcert, Hdip, MA, PHD
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood
- Department:ACE - Education and Childhood
- Telephone:+4411732 81818
About me
My professional background is in youth work where I have gained an international perspective on the development of services for young people through my experience of working as a qualified youth worker in the Republic of Ireland, Australia and the UK. As an academic I retain a strong interest in informal education work with young people, and how as educators we can best understand and respond to some of the most challenging issues facing young people. Issues of social justice are, therefore, central to the areas of teaching and research that I am most interested in.
I am a Senior Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood and I contribute to a number of programmes at both undergarduate and postgraduate levels.
Area of expertise
I retain an active publication and research profile, exploring topics such as the role of Youth Workers within Teenage Cancer Care, detached and street-based work with vulnerable and marginalised young people, and pedagogical challenges in educating youth practitioners around sensitive issues such as Gender Related Violence.