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Department staff:
Research staff:
- development management
- distance learning pedagogy
- local/community neighbourhood policy planning
- waste planning policy & practice
- academic integrity and asssesment offences.
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:BSc DipTP MSc MBA MRTPI AFHEA
- Position:Senior Lecturer : Planning
- Department:FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
- Telephone:+4411732 83221
Area of expertise
I am programme leader for MSc Urban and Rural Planning. I teach on a range of modules at both post graduate and undergraduate levels. I am the Department's assessment offence advisor, working in this role since 2016.
My professional practice background (1996-2016) is in public sector planning. I have worked at four local authorities (county and district levels) in the south west of England. My experience includes: neighbourhood planning; local plan preparation; development control/management; minerals & waste policy planning; regeneration master planning and project management.
I am currently studying for a Professional Doctorate EdD in Education.