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Department staff:
- - Dhaka Bangladesh International Centre for Diarrhoea Research (Dr Pradip Kumar Bardhan): infectious diarrhoea vectors
- - Dublin University Veterinary College (Prof. Steve Carrington): cow oestrus detection)
- - Dr Ilona Pascual (Spain) and Prof. John Duffield: decontamination methods for water purification
- - Innsbruck University (Dr Anton Amann): technology for volatile analyses for disease diagnoses
- - Consultancy with US Nuclear Industry
- - Board member of the International Association for Breath Research.
- - many EU universities and companies: in multi-partner 3 year EU funded projects
- - Bristol Urological Institute (Dr Marcus Gillat - Medical Director and chairman of BUI management board): collaboration on urinary tract infections
- - Liverpool Medical School (Prof C. Probert): GI disease research
- - Consultant urological surgeon (Dr Rajandra Persad): improved prostate cancer detection methods
- - Brunel University - Brunel Institute for Bioengineering (Drs Eleanor van den Heuvel and Felicity Jowitt): incontinence research
- - Children’s Hospital Bristol: diabetes markers in the breath of children
- - Birmingham Hospital (Dr Andy Ewer) collaborative research on neonates
- - Liverpool University: analyses of stool samples
- - Airbus Bristol (Dr Joseph Lam): fuel management systems
- - The Welding Institute (Dr Helen Goddin): micro welding of sensors
- - Design Works (Jeremy Gardner): prototyping and design of medical devices
- - Gas Analysis and Sensing Group: Knowledge transfer to industry in gas analysis and sensing as board member organising talks etc.
- Collaborations Within UWE:
- - Professor J. Greenman and Dr S. Saad: bacterial metabolite analyses.
- - Dr Ben deLacy Costello: self-assembly of complex patterns by reaction diffusion and volatile analyses
- - Dr Rick Ewen: neural network analyses and electronic hardware of electronic noses
- - Dr Myra Conway: on kidney stone analyses
- - Dr Peter Spencer-Phillips: agri-food particularly food quality in storage
- - Prof. Tony Pipe (Deputy Director of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory): software techniques particularly decision making software
- - Dr Paul White: statistical methods for multivariate data analysis
Research staff:
- Volatile analysis of stool / urine / saliva / breath
- Sensor technology - particularly detection of trace volatiles
- Biomarker prospecting - particularly volatile analyses for disease diagnosis
- Volatile analysis to monitor food quality
- Electronic nose technologies
- Synthesis of materials for environmental clean-up
- Jet fuel additives and analysis
- Qualifications:BSc, PhD
- Position:Professor of Material and Sensor Sciences
- Department:Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
- Telephone:+4411732 82501
About me
Norman Ratcliffe has worked for a range of companies in the Electronics, Aerospace and Nuclear industries as well as in the agri-food and medical diagnostics areas with over 170 refereed publications, reviewed industrial reports and patents. Norman has specialised in the gas/volatile analysis area for over 20 years particularly for the agri-food and medical industry involving the world’s first automated electronic nose system for quality control of ham and the first VOC quality control system for monitoring stored vegetable produce. Medical areas particularly include the rapid diagnosis of gastro-intestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, infectious diseases of the gut eg hospital acquired infections and diseases of the urinary tract particularly infections, prostate and bladder cancer, using electronic nose technology and GCMS for analysing breath, stool, saliva and urine.
Research in the non-gas analysis areas includes conducting polymer syntheses, patented work on the synthesis of nano-magnetic particles for environmental clean-up, particularly radioactive contamination and jet fuel additives to improve aeroplane safety.
Previously Norman undertook post-doctoral research at Imperial College on the synthesis of novel insect anti-feedants (1981-82) and at Bristol University in collaboration with the Royal Signals Research Establishment on molecular electronics projects (1983-86). This was followed by work as senior scientist at Sowerby Research Centre, British Aerospace (1986-90) and then senior lecturer at the University of West of England, becoming professor in 2003 and Research Centre Director in 2006.
For further details of my research profile please see the link