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- Qualifications:BSc (hons), PGCE (Prim)
- Position:Environmental Technology Technician
- Department:FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
- Telephone:+4411732 81762
About me
For most of my career I've worked as a technician/consultant in a variety of environmental roles. My first graduate job was in air quality and emissions along with carrying out noise, light and other environmental surveys. I then ran a small R&D lab for an oil and gas engineering consultancy looking into hydrogen sulphide removal from natural gas.
Following a three-year foray into primary school teaching I returned to industry as a water quality consultant carrying out hygiene testing and legionella risk assessments.
I now look after the Building Science Lab (3Z020) in FET where we have a wide range of monitoring equipment that can be viewed on Connect2 (see below) and the Lighting Lab (2R002). I also assist in the Concrete Lab, which is where my office is located.
Area of expertise
Environmental physics, Legionella, Point Cloud Scanning