Dr Paschal Anosike

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About me

Paschal's goal is helping individuals develop skills to overcome inequalities. He has led wide-ranging entrepreneurship and
innovation funded projects with a substantial programme design, research and knowledge exchange expertise in Africa. Until recently, he was the Founding Director Centre for African Entrepreneurship and Leadership (CAEL) at the Wolverhampton University. Paschal has completed advisory missions for the AU, EU, Commonwealth, UNDP, GIZ, and British Council. He has been a subject matter expert on higher educatioun for African Governments and the African Union Commission. He was among the pioneers that influenced Legatum's development and publication of the UN's catalogued Africa Prosperity Index (API) metric used to track inequality and prosperity across Africa. Paschal has spoken widely about his work at AU-EU Summits, Westminster Higher Education Forum, Horasis and the World Economic Forum, including several Keynotes. 

He founded and convenes the Forum for Innovation in African Universities (FIAU) Annual Global Meeting - a network of professionals and organisations dedicated to fostering innovation in African higher education. He has published in top-tier scientific rankings, namely: Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research and the Academy of Management Annual Meetings Proceedings. A recipient of multiple international awards in the social sciences, Paschal's book: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Africa was in 2023 the acclaimed global winner of Sage Social Justice Book Award. His work advances understanding and practice in domains of entrepreneurship and innovation. He is interested in Phd and commercial projects related to both domains. 

Area of expertise

Knowledge Exchange, Entreprenuership and Innovation Ecosystems and Networking 


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