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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Applied Statistics
- quantitative research methods
- Research Methodology
- Sample size determination
- Design and analysis of experiments
- Ethics in quantitative research
- Medical Statistics
- Multivariate Statistics
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:BSc, MSc, PhD
- Position:Professor Applied Statistics
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
- Telephone:+4411732 83777
About me
A University aims to help to create a better society. This is done though research and education. My research and teaching have these aims.
I am an applied statistician working collaboratively with research groups across UWE (pre-dominantly in the applied and life sciences) and the NHS with a focus on ASBOS (Applying Statistics for the Benefit of Society).
I aim to harness the positive energy and synergy
between teaching and research encapsulated by HO HO HO … Helping Others (students)
Help Others (researchers, decision makers) Help Others (society) … and you will find me to be a
willing coach or mentor to students and colleagues alike.
My teaching includes teaching GANSTA's (Good At Numbers and STAts) on BSc Mathematical in a final year elective, and teaching quantitative methods on MSc Health Technology, MA Music Therapy, Professional Doctorate in Counselling as well as one day courses for the UWE Graduate School.
In addition to applied research and
statistical methodology, I have a keen
interests in developing new and testing established statistical techniques using
stochastic simulation and always have a research programme of study willing to share , or help develop, with any potential
PhD student in this area.
Over the past couple of years Dr Caterina Gentili, Dr Jason Anquandah, Dr Deirdre Toher and myself have joined forces in the DARK ARTS (Design And Research Knowledge for Analysis of Randomised Trials) ... Scary :-)
Area of expertise
Applied Statistics
Quantitative Research Methods
Sample size
Design and analysis of experiments
Ethics in quantitative research