Dr Phillippa Diedrichs

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  • Qualifications:PhD (Health Psychology), BSc (Psychology, First Class Honours)
  • Position:Professor of Psychology
  • Department:College of Health, Science and Society School of Social Sciences
  • Telephone:+4411732 83756
  • Email:Phillippa.Diedrichs@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo

About me

I'm a Professor of Psychology and a body image, appearance diversity and mental health expert. I'm passionate about creating a world free of restrictive beauty ideals, gender norms, and appearance stereotypes, where no one - particularly women, girls, and gender-diverse people - is held back by appearance pressures and unjust systems. I use science and partnerships to make this a reality.

At the Centre for Appearance Research, I lead a team of researchers. We study factors that shape body image (e.g., social media, gender, culture) and we develop and test tools to promote body confidence. My research is published in over 100 papers and book chapters, and has featured in the New York Times, BBC, Time, Forbes, and teaching case studies at Harvard's Business School and School of Public Health.

I excel at leading high impact industry collaborations. I've worked with Unilever, Nike, NHS England, UNICEF & Meta to drive social impact, including a 10-year partnership with the Dove Self-Esteem Project. I've also advised the British Government, OfCom, Transport for London, and parliamentary select committees.

The evidence-based interventions that I've co-created have reached over 100 million people in 153 countries. Some recent project highlights include:

I'm a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders and serve on the Editorial Board for Body Image: An International Journal of Research.


Area of expertise

Body image, appearance-based prejudice and discrimination, social media, advertising, intervention development and evaluation, eating disorder prevention, weight bias, strategic science, mixed methods research, children, adults, psychology, appearance research, gender


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