Mrs Rachel Philip

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:BA (Hons) Psychology with Education Studies, PGCE (Post-Compulsory Education and Training), Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Fellow (FHEA).
  • Position:Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood
  • Department:ACE - Education and Childhood
  • Telephone:+4411732 81772

About me

I am a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood, specialising in modules that that have work-related learning and focus on reflection and theory into practice. I have been in this role since 2021 and before this I worked in an FE college for 10 years supporting students with qualifications in early years and health and social care. Prior to this, my background is working in early years settings, predominantly with the very youngest members of our society in the baby room. 

Area of expertise

As an academic, I am particularly interested in the importance of supporting children's emerging languages and identities. More specifically, tuning into children's pre-verbal communication, which grew from my passion of working with babies. This has influenced the design of a small-scale research project which I am undertaking soon titled 'An exploration into the importance of listening to babies' pre-verbal communication to advocate their rights: Implications for practice'.


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