Dr Reinhard Weisser

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About me

Curiosity is my guiding principle - I want to understand how things work.

My main research interests include primary data collection projects, contemporary aspects of migration and spatial economics. More generally, I enjoy working with GIS data. So if one can draw a meaningful map to highlight a phenomenon, I am interested.

Before I joined UWE as a Senior Lecturer in Economics in 2023, I have been a Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University and a Postdoctoral Researcher and Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary University of London. I obtained my PhD in 2017 from Leiniz University Hannover, where I researched the interrelation between personality and migration. During my doctoral studies, I was also a member of the DFG-funded Research Training Group ‘Globalization and Development’ and an external consultant to the OECD, investigating post-graduation mobility and labour market integration of internationally mobile students.

More information about my current and past projects can be found on my private webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/weisserresearch/home


Office hours: Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:00 (or flexible via MS Teams)

To facilitate coordination and offer meaningful support, please contact me in advance via email.

Area of expertise

Spatial Economics and GIS Analysis; Migration and student mobility; Conflict and cooperation; Labour market integration; Personality, attitudes and preferences; Well-being; Survey design and implementation


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