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Department staff:
Research staff:
- urban policy and sustainable urban development
- European spatial and territorial development
- Urban governance
- urban knowledge production and its use
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:BSc Hons Sociology, MA Political Behaviour, PhD
- Position:Director : Urban Research
- Department:FET - Geography and Environmental Management
- Telephone:+4411732 83359
About me
His research interests include cross-national work on urban regeneration, urban governance and community participation, urban social exclusion and European urban and spatial policy. He was part of the New Deal for Communities National Evaluation and the Local Strategic Partnerships Feasibility Study. He is Vice-President of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and editor of EURA's journal "Urban Research and Practice". Further activities in his field of expertise include: (1) "Spatial Deconcentration of Economic Land Use and Quality of
Life in European Metropolitan Areas" (SELMA) within FP5; (2) "Governance for Sustainability" (G-FORS) and URBAN MATRIX (knowledge dissemination platform) within FP6; (3) Urban Environment Thematic Strategy with the European Commission (DG Environment): Member of the Urban Expert Group advising the European Commission and academic coordinator of a consultation exercise (6th Urban Environment Action Programme); (4) European Urban Knowledge Network: Expert Advisor on Urban Environment; (5) Evaluation of ESPON and drawing up the framework for ESPON II for the European Commission (DG Regio), with Ramboll Management, Brussels (6) European Concerted Research Action (COST Action C20) “Urban Knowledge Arena: Developing a European Arena for Cross-Boundary Cooperation in Production of Knowledge and Know-How on Complex Urban Problems”: Member of the Management Committee; (7) member of the EUROCITIES Urban Policy Research Working Group. (8) ESPON project ‘Attractiveness of European Regions and Cities for Residents and Visitors’ (ATTREG); (9) In 2011 worked with the Urban Development Group and the Polish Ministry of Regional Development on ‘The urban dimension in Future Cohesion Policy’ as part of Poland’s preparation for the presidency of the EU in the second half of 2011; (10) ESPON TOWN project on “Small and Medium Sized Towns in their Functional Context”.
He is also editor of the journal Urban Research and Practice published by Taylor & Francis and a member of the editorial board of the journal Urban Planning and Transport also published by Taylor and Francis. He has published widely on the subjects identified in the previous paragraph in a range of outlets: journals, books and edited-collections. He has also edited a number of books.
Area of expertise
Urban Policy
Sustainable Urban Development
Urban Governance
European Spatial and Territorial Development
The production and use of urban knowledge