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- Qualifications:BA[Hons], MA, PhD, MRTPI, FRSA, FAcSS
- Position:Emeritus Professor of City Leadership
- Department:Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
- Telephone:+4411732 83195
About me
Robin Hambleton is Emeritus Professor of City Leadership at the University of the West of England, Bristol and Director of Urban Answers, a company he founded in 2007:
He has been an Adviser to UK local government ministers, to Select Committees of the UK House of Parliament, and has worked on place-based leadership with cities in many different countries. He has held professorial positions in City and Regional Planning at Cardiff University, in City Management at UWE, and in Urban Planning and Policy, and Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He was the founding President of the European Research Association (EURA) and was the Dean of the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois at Chicago (2002-07). He has published eleven books and over 400 articles.
His latest book, published in October 2020, is Cities and communities beyond COVID-19. How local leadership can change our future for the better. Bristol University Press.
Area of expertise
City leadership and urban management
Innovation in local governance
Enhancing local democracy and public service effectiveness
International policy exchange