Dr Sara-Jayne Williams

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About me

Sara is the Programme Leader for the Bsc Environmental Management course in the Geography department and a researcher within the Centre for Water, Communities and Resilience. She graduated with an honours degree in Psychology from Swansea University and completed her Ph.D in experimental psychology in applied cognitive child psychology at the University of Bristol. She then spent time working in the field of community development with diverse communities and in a range consultancy roles. Sara's current teaching and research interests focus on the field of environmental psychology and particularly on the relationship between the environment and people's behaviour. Her current research projects are particularly centred on children's agency and role in society. Sara is exploring young people's agency, their learning, resilience, adaptation and potential roles to act as agents of change within their families in relation to climate change and changing behaviour. Sara believes in fusing together her research and teaching and recently won a Student Union team-work award for her work with students on her course. Sara is Co-I on CCC-CATAPULT project, recently funded under JPI SOLSTICE, which is exploring children's agency to tackle policy in the climate crisis - underpinned by learning for transformation. She is also Co-I on the AHRC funded VIP_CLEAR project which uses arts based methodologies to explore and listen to young people's experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on recovery.

Area of expertise

Environmental Psychology

Children and the environment

Human factors affecting the environment



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