Dr Sarah Gillie

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:EdD; PGCAPP; MA SEN; PGCE (Primary: early years and modern foreign languages); BA (Hons) Applied Language Studies
  • Position:Senior Lecturer
  • Department:ACE - Education and Childhood
  • Telephone:+4411732 81753
  • Email:Sarah.Gillie@uwe.ac.uk

About me

Since 2016, I have lectured on undergraduate and postgraduate courses with a focus on both early years and inclusive education. I joined UWE in January 2021 as a Senior Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood. My research interests relate to inclusion in education across and beyond 'compulsory' schooling. I am a co-convenor for the BERA Special Interest Group for Alternative Education. https://www.bera.ac.uk/community/alternative-education

A languages graduate, my early career in the financial sector took me across Europe and Asia. In 2004, I followed my vocation and completed my PGCE: Early Years and Modern Foreign Languages at Goldsmiths.
Between classroom teaching and joining UWE I worked in learning support with students ranging from primary years to post-graduate level.

My doctoral thesis focused on families who home educate when schools are not considered to meet children's needs. I applied reflexive thematic analysis to qualitative data from 93 survey responses, and 7 family interviews. To understand participants' experiences, relationships and transitions, my theoretical framework combined the work of Victor Turner relating to liminality and the stages of social drama with Urie Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological systems model.

Current project:

Gillie, S. (2024) School deregistration: teachers' perspectives. Learning Universally [blog]. 25 May. Available from: https://learninguniversally.wordpress.com/2024/05/25/school-deregistration/

Blogs and less formal outputs:

Gillie, S. (2024) Deregistering from school: understanding experiences and rebuilding trust. OpenLearn [blog]. 31 May. Available from: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/deregistering-school-understanding-experiences-and-rebuilding-trust

Gillie, S. (2023) Family transitions, 'special' education and home education. BERA [blog]. 11 September. Available from: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/family-transitions-special-education-and-home-education

Gillie, S. (2022) Home education for children with special educational needs. OpenLearn [blog]. 8 September. Available from: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/education-development/home-education-children-special-educational-needs

Gillie, S. (2019) Home educating with Dyslexia. The Studying with Dyslexia Blog. [blog] 20 November. Available from: https://www.studyingwithdyslexiablog.co.uk/blog/oakabooks-bambi-gardiner-sarah-gillie-home-educating-with-dyslexia

Gillie, S. (2017) The potential for executive function targeted support for learners with specific learning difficulties. Dyspraxia Foundation Professional Journal 14, pp. 8-17.

Area of expertise

My interests lie in inclusive education – life-long and life-wide


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