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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Qualifications:BSc (Hons), PhD
- Position:Professor of Emergency Care
- Department:Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
- Telephone:+4411732 88906
About me
I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology in 1996 and went on to complete a PhD on the neuropsychology of dementia in 2003. I spent the next eight years researching ways to improve the recognition and management of dementia in primary care, before starting work in emergency care research at UWE in 2011.
Area of expertise
Professor Voss is
workforce research lead for REACH (Research in Emergency care, Avon
Collaborative Hub:
) Professor Voss has been lead- or co-investigator for a variety of research
projects in urgent and emergency care, including large randomised controlled
trials and mixed methods studies. Several of the projects have focused on the
NHS workforce. These include NIHR funded projects on GPs working in the
Emergency Department and paramedics working in general
practice, which used realist evaluation to investigate
cost-effectiveness, acceptability and satisfaction amongst staff and service
users. She is also currently working on projects evaluating the implementation
of the Nursing Associate role in secondary care and the Additional Roles
Reimbursement Scheme in Primary Care.