- Position:Deputy Director Student Life Services
- Telephone:+4411732 86477
About me
Having taken up post as Head of Student Support and Wellbeing on 25 November 2013, I’m very happy to be part of a service that works so hard to help our students achieve their goals, whether it be through the provision of practical support around reasonable adjustment or by helping people develop the resilience, confidence and skills necessary to get the most from Higher Education. I’ve worked in Higher Education since 1998, initially as a generic Student Advisor before moving on to be a Disability Advisor and then, prior to joining UWE, I was Deputy Head of Student Services for nine years. Much of my work in Student Services has focused around developing provision for disabled students and working with colleagues across the Institution to anticipate the requirements of our students in order that we can enhance the environment we create. Within this field I’ve learnt that no one person usually has the answer but there is very little we can’t solve when we work together and include the student in our discussions. In recent years I have undertaken more developmental work around the “Students as Partners” agenda and have been involved in developing student mentoring schemes and opportunities for students to develop peer to peer support.