- Position:Senior Lecturer
- Department:FBL - Business and Management
- Telephone:+4411732 85579
- Email:Stefano.Gasparri@uwe.ac.uk
About me
I joined UWE in Sept 2018 from the University of Warwick, where I spent four years as Teaching Fellow. During 2013/14 a.y. I was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at ILR School, Cornell University.
I hold a PhD in Employment Relations Studies from the University of Milan. I was a visiting scholar under the Erasmus+ programme at University of Ljubljana, University College Dublin, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
I am a member of the HRWE (Human Resources, Work and Employment) research group, for which I wrote the following two blog posts about some of my recent research interests:
Office hours for Term 1: Thu 14:30-15:30 and Fri 13:30-14:30 in 6X217
Area of expertise
International and comparative employment relations and HRM; employee voice; trade unions; work in the retail sector; work and digitalization; welfare states and labour markets transformations; industrial relations theory