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- Qualifications:BA Politics Exeter, MA International Relations Sussex, PhD Warwick
- Position:Professor of Employment Relations
- Department:FBL - Law
- Telephone:+4411732 83477
About me
I am a Professor of Employment Relations in the Business & Management Department of the Faculty of Business & Law and a Co-Director of the Centre for Employment Studies Research (CESR) . Previously I have been head of the HRM subject group within FBL (1996-2002), or Bristol Business School as it was then. I am a member of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) and one of the organisers of its Public Sector Studies Group. I was BUIRA President between 2004 and 2007 and a member of the Steering Committee organising the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) Congress convened at Manchester University in September 2007. Currently I am a member of the Work, Employment & Society Editorial Board and a member of Warwick University’s Industrial Relations Research Unit’s (IRRU) Advisory Committee. I am a Cipd Academic Fellow.
Area of expertise
My research interests include employment restructuring and what (problematically) is termed non-standard employment; public service (in particular NHS) restructuring; worker rights, representation and voice. I am beginning a project on self-employment in the creative industries, with CESR colleagues currently researching social enterprise in community health and ‘integrated health and social care’ initiatives, and continuing a study of wage and work de-regulation in agriculture in England. I was in 2010-11 co-investigator on a British Academy funded study, Tracing the Indian Origins of the UK Cotton Industry and Research Present Day Work Practice, headed by Liz Rideal at the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL. I teach employment relations and the external context component of the HRM in a Strategic Context module for the MA in HRM.