Dr Sue Horrocks

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  • Qualifications:DPhil, MSc, BA(Hons), HV, RGN, PGCHE, RNT
  • Position:Senior Lecturer Primary Care : Academic In Practice
  • Department:HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
  • Telephone:+4411732 88484
  • Email:Susan.Horrocks@uwe.ac.uk

About me

I recently led a collaborative project funded by the National Institute For Health Research (NIHR) that aimed to investigate how quality measures applying to community nursing services are selected and implemented in practice, and how useful these are from the perspectives of commissioners, managers, frontline staff, patients and carers.  I have a clinical background in nursing and health visiting, and experience in service and project management in  community health commissioning and provision, where I supported practice nurses with their roles in health promotion and long term conditions management.  My first research post was an evaluation of a health visiting caseload weighting tool at the University of Bristol and I continued to work at the University for a further five years on a range of primary care based evaluation studies.

Since taking up my post as a Senior Lecturer and Academic in Practice at UWE and alongside my teaching role with undergraduate and postgraduate students, I have continued research collaborations with the University of Bristol around community nursing and with the University of Bath on non medical prescribing, as well as running my own research projects.  I gained my DPhil in 2009. I am a mentor for the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme for non -medical healthcare professionals http://www.healthresearchmentor.org.uk/website/dr-sue-horrocks/

Area of expertise

I am particularly interested in community health services provision and evaluation and passionate about quality of community nursing services. I am experienced in a range of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.  


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