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- Qualifications:PhD
- Position:Research Fellow - Centre for Machine Vision (CMV)
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
- Telephone:+44117 965 6261
About me
I am currently a Research Fellow at the Computer Machine Vision (CMV) group, located in the Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL). I recently completed my PhD at The University of Manchester, where I focused on sensor fusion and data processing for analyzing human gait and activities in healthcare applications.
One of the exciting projects I am currently involved in is titled "FARM interventions to Control Antimicrobial ResistancE" (JPIAMR2021-169). This project is a collaborative effort between SRUC, University of Copenhagen, and PorkColumbia, University College Dublin, under the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR).
Area of expertise
Computer Vision, Sensor fusion, Data Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning