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Department staff:
- Position:Senior Lecturer
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+4411732 83718
About me
My background is in social psychology and I have a long-standing interest the complex relationship between psychology and education. I am also interested in methodological innovation and critique, both qualitative and quantitative. I originally studied Psychology at the University of Bristol. After graduation I stayed at the University of Bristol to pursue my PhD research, using a variety of innovative methods to explore the experiences of young people in the special education system. On completion of my PhD I was appointed as an ESRC funded Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, investigating public perceptions of environmental risk. I subsequently worked as a research analyst for a variety of public and commercial organisations. In 2009 I returned to education as subject leader for A Level Psychology at an FE college. I am currently Programme Leader for the Psychology of Human Behaviour BSc (Hons) degree and the Psychology FdSc in partnership with the University of Plymouth, leading the psychology in education, research methods and social and developmental psychology modules
I joined UWE as a Research Associate in March 2020. I am part of a British Academy funded project
designing and evaluating the impact of a book levelling app on teachers’
and pre-service teachers' reading comprehension understanding and practice in
rural and township schools in South Africa. I am also part of the Hear our Voices
project looking at young people’s views on climate change and environmental risk
in the UK and India.
Area of expertise
methods – innovative uses of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods; systematic literature review; post-16 education; post-compulsory
education; widening participation; psychology and education; critical social psychology.