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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Service-Dominant Logic
- Channel Marketing
- Academic/Practitioner engagement in management
- Achieving research impact
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:Bsc Msc PhD
- Position:Emeritus Professor
- Department:Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
- Telephone:+4411732 83400
About me
I had a 23 year marketing career with Heinz, Nestle, Skipton Building Society and Bristol & West Building Society and then in consultancy. Then I took a part-time PhD at UWE and started as a full-time academic in 2002.
My publications reflect my interest in marketing through the full range of channels and the theoretical area of service-dominant logic and co-creation. I have also undertaken a considerable amount of research on academic engagement with practice in business and management. Recent publications include Academy of Management Learning & Education, British Journal of Management, European Journal of Marketing, Marketing Theory and Journal of Marketing Management.
I place a lot of emphasis on engagement with practice to create wider impact from my research. A recent example: Together with a colleague I have delivered 'Create your own marketing plan' two day workshops to over 100 SMEs in recent years. I am also involved in leading joint projects between academia and commercial organisations funded by Innovate UK.
I led a recent KTP with Viper Innovations that has been rated "Outstanding" by Innovate UK.
Recent research relates to how agencies and clients can work together more effectively.
Currently researching co-creation of value in relation to happiness/subjective well-being
PHD applications welcome.
Area of expertise
Marketing management.
Strategic marketing planning.