Ms Verity McIntosh

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About me

Verity McIntosh is Associate Professor of Virtual and Extended Realities. She works with creative companies, charities, communities and policymakers to explore ideas about virtual and extended realities, including the 'metaverse'.

Verity is currently Principal Investigator and Director of Immersive Arts, a UK-wide scheme offering an inclusive and accessible programme of research, training, funding and events for 200+ artists.

Verity has written and spoken about the creative industries and immersive tech sector around the world, including co-authoring recent reports for children’s charity, the NSPCC ‘Child Safeguarding and Immersive Technologies’ and for the Institution of Engineering and Technology ‘Safeguarding the metaverse’. Her work has been discussed in the UK’s House of Commons and House of Lords, EU Parliament, Council of Europe and in multiple print and media contexts.

Her current research focuses on immersive arts and culture, inclusive experience design, policy and human rights in immersive environments, and the use of immersive technology for the simulation of risk.


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