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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Computational Aerodynamics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Turbulent Flow Modelling and Simulation
- Multiphase Flow
- Reacting Flow
- Aero-acoustics
- Shock-wave/Boundary-layer Interactions
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:BENG, MSc, PhD, FRAeS, AFAIAA, MASME
- Position:Professor in Aerospace Engineering
- Department:School of Engineering
- Telephone:+4411732 87084
About me
I am Professor in Aerospace Engineering and Head of Engineering Modelling and Simulation (EMS) research group.
Area of expertise
Dr Yao's research explores fundamental flow physics by using high-fidelity simulation code (DNS and LES), as well as engineering turbulent flow problems by using industry standard computer code (RANS and URANS). His research covers various inter-connected research themes, including turbulent wake dynamics, turbulent boundary-layers, and laminar transition to turbulence in the shock-induced separation bubbles, among others.
Dr Yao has been studying complex flow problems relevant to aerospace, turbo-machinery, automotive, and built environment.
Currect and future PhD Research Topics include:-
» Shock/boundary-layer interaction and heat transfer prediction
» Scramjet intake air/fuel mixing and supersonic combustion
» Non-reacting and reacting supersonic flow around an in-tube projectile
» Design of morphing winglet for lift-induced drag reduction
» Turbine blade cooling techniques and thermal management
» Downsized engine performance enhancement using twin-entry turbocharger
» Building energy consumption reduction through computer simulation and optimization
» Drag reduction and control techniques for low and high-speed vehicles