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Department staff:
- Qualifications:BA HONS Fashion
- Position:Technical Instructor
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+4411732 84005
About me
Zarya has trained as a textile specialist in surface design and multidisiplinary processes in Fashion.
Zarya is a technical instructor in digital embroidery and laser cutting and works across the Fashion and Fabrication areas.
Area of expertise
Zarya's areas of expertise are;
Digital embroidery. Wilcom embroidery software and Adobe Illustrator. Embroidering into a range of textiles and papers.
Laser cutting. Adobe Illustrator
Digital printing.
Screen printing.
My usual working pattern is Mondays-Tuesday in Digital Embroidery
Thursday-Friday in Laser Cutting,
please reference this when making a booking.
If you would like to book an appointment with this member of staff please make an appointment with the Student Project Coordinator Tel: 07989449169 or email