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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Qualifications:PhD
- Position:Senior Lecturer
- Department:FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
- Telephone:+4411732 87177
About me
Thanks to the overwhelming interest in programming and sound at an early I age my favourite scientific domain has been audio signal processing. Studying Sonology in the Netherlands laid a very solid foundation for other music technology areas that I readily embraced making me an all-arounder in the field focusing on technical and scientific topics. Tese developments have been undeprinned by musical quests for the unheard and chalenging art. Since my first record released in 2001 a great variety and quantity has followed to this day. I much enjoy the authenticity and sincerity that transpires when there is no urge for serving audiences or critics as I choose to do. On the other side of this coin lie a few industry research and development projects, mostly international, and reaching up to the heights of Interaction Design for the 2012 Olympic Coca-Cola pavillion. I find great inspiration in collaborating accross europe with standholds in the Balkans, Hungary, Spain, and the Netherlands where I frequently swing by for work, art, inspiration and pleasure. I have thus taught at Universites and otherwise in these countries using 5 respective languages. For further details, freely avilable music and plugins do visit my personal website: