Miss Alice Jennings

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  • Qualifications:MSc, BSc
  • Position:Research Associate
  • Department:School of Health and Social Wellbeing
  • Email:Alice.Jennings@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo

About me

I am a research associate, with a MSc in Health Psychology, involved in several research projects at the University of the West of England. My most recent project is working at the University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust in the Rheumatology department (MAMBO). Currently working with collaborators in Oxford on a project to co-design a toolkit with patients and clinicians that will support the implementation of Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU) in rheumatology. My role involves collecting and analysing qualitative data, patient and public involvement in research, and communicating health information to different audiences.

Previous roles/topics worked on:

·       The Southwest regional and national Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) programme – helped with the day to day running of the mentorship scheme and produced a paper "You're not a REAL doctor!" - Exploring subjective wellbeing among Clinical Academics in the NIHR mentoring scheme.

·       Research delivered by the Research in Urgent and Emergency Care Avon Collaborative Hub (REACH) – Birth before arrival at hospital in the South West: an exploration of inequalities and call taker advice; An assessment of factors associated with high impact use of emergency department services for metal health care in adolescents: a scoping review.

·       Palliative care research - social support interventions in palliative care.

·       Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) - Teen Appearance and Body Image (TABI) study looking at young people's experiences with appearance and body image.

·       My MSc dissertation at UWE consisted of looking at undergraduate students learning experiences online during COVID-19 and proposed several coping strategies in which online learning could be made more manageable and improve students' health and well-being.

·       In my final year of my bachelors (Hertfordshire University) I looked at the awareness, knowledge, and attitudes of young adults towards organ donation and the opt-out system.


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