Dr Anne Johnson

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  • Qualifications:PhD, MA, Dip COT, RNLD, FETC, AFHEA.
  • Position:Associate Professor for Knowledge Exchange and Patient and Public Involvement in Learning and Teaching and Consultant Occupational Therapist/Macmillan Professional
  • Department:College of Health, Science and Society
  • Telephone:+4411732 88202

About me

With a passion for ensuring accessible and understandable health and social care for all I am an Associate Professor for Knowledge Exchange and Patient and Public Involvement in Learning and Teaching in the College of Health, Science and Society. I am also a Consultant Occupational Therapist and Joint Clinical and Operational Lead of the Bath Centre for Fatigue Services and a Macmillan Professional. I have a Level 7 qualification in Executive Coaching and Mentoring awarded by the Institute of Leadership and Management. I am an experienced therapist having worked in general medicine, traumatic brain injury and neurorehabilitation, orthopaedics, cardiac rehabilitation, rheumatology - with a special interst in conncective tissue disorders including scleroderma and SLE, chronic pain and also chronic fatigue - linked to all of the above but with specialist skills in managing ME/CFS and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome and also Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF). I have an active interest and skills in work and vocational rehabilitation for those with long term conditions and also in ensuring effective PPI in research and clinical practice, AHP leadership and innovation in practice.

I represent the profession nationally at various fora including The James Lind Alliance Research Priority Setting Partnership work with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists,  the Council for Allied Health Professions Research Strategy and Governance Committee and as a member of the AHP Expert Advisory Group for Macmillan Cancer Support. Previous work has been with the Department of Health and Department of Work and Pensions and the Council for Work and Health.

I have a keen interest in Occupational Science and the links between occupation, health and well-being. In my PhD I explored men's experiences of living with enduring fatigue and for my Masters, the work related experiences of people with a relatively rare diagnosis of scleroderma.

Area of expertise

With a passion for ensuring accessible and understandable health and social care for all, Anne is the lead academic at UWE for patient and public involvment in teaching and learning in the College of Health, Science and Society. She is also a Consultant Occupational Therapist and Joint Clinical and Operational Lead of the Bath Centre for Fatigue Services, a Macmillan Professional and a Senior Lecturer at UWE. Specialising in long term conditions management with a particular interest in fatigue - in terms of ME/CFS, cancer related fatigue and post Covid fatigue. Coaching and mentoring in health and for academic health practitioners.


Johnson, A. and Morse, R. (2024) Meaningful Collaboration with People Living with and Beyond Cancer in Lab Based Programmes. In 7th International Authenticity into Action 2024 Conference. Preston, May 2024.

Johnson, A., Todd, S. and Vasquez, T. (2022). Don the Flip Flop: The Role of Public Partners in Reverse Mentoring For Academics. In Advance HE Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Conference. Manchester March 2022.

Johnson, A. and Lewis, F. (2021) Mapping and Gapping Patient and Public Involvement in Learning and Teaching Preston. In 6th International Authenticity into Action 2021 Conference. Preston March 2021.

Johnson, A. (2017) Exploring the experiences and occupations of men with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) using a Gadamerian interpretive phenomenological framework. PhD, University of the West of England. Available from: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/29916


Densham, S., Williams, D., Johnson, A. and Turner-Cobb, J.M. (2016). Enhanced psychological flexibility and improved quality of life in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 88, pp. 42-47.


Smythe, A., Williams, A. and Johnson, A. (2015). Exploring patients' expectations of an interdisciplinary, cancer related fatigue and life style management programme: an audit of findings. In 'Occupational Science European Conference'. Bournemouth, September, 2015.


Johnson A. (2015). 'Experiences of men with C.F.S. /M.E.: an interpretive phenomenological study'. In 'Occupational Science European Conference'. Bournemouth, September, 2015.


Rutkowska J. and Johnson A. (2013). How might Occupational Therapists contribute to vocational rehabilitation for cancer survivors? In 'Macmillan Professionals Conference'. Manchester, November, 2013.


Johnson A. (2011). Work Experiences of People with Scleroderma. In 'VRA UK Conference'. University of London, Royal Holloway, London, June, 2011.




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