Dr Benjamin Knight

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:BA(Ed) Music and Primary Education; MA in Education; Education Doctorate
  • Position:Senior Lecturer in Education. Director of Project Zulu
  • Department:ACE - Education and Childhood
  • Telephone:+441173284176
  • Email:Benjamin3.Knight@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo

About me

I was a teacher for eleven years and now teach future teachers and school leaders on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. I supervise MA and doctoral education research and teach Masters modules in educational research and school leadership.

My principal research interests are teacher professional development, classroom pedagogy and leadership in complexity. My doctoral research used Complexity Thinking and social network analysis to analyse small-group  learning. I am interested in researching complex challenges facing teachers and school leaders.

I am the founder and Director of a UWE social enterprise initiative called Project Zulu which runs several projects to develop educational aspiration and opportunities in South African township schools. These include pedagogy and teacher education, computing, engineering, health and Special Needs education, sports coaching and various student teaching programmes. I co-ordinate research across these activities along with regional government and university partners.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, have held governorships at several local schools and was a founding Director of Cathedral Primary School in Bristol. Until 2018 I was a trustee of St George's Bristol. 

Area of expertise

Teaching and learning, school leadership, complex systems thinking, professional judgement, group processes.


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