Dr Emma Weitkamp

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  • Qualifications:PhD [Biochemisty] Cambridge University, Fellow HEA
  • Position:Professor in Science Communication
  • Department:HAS - Applied Sciences
  • Telephone:+4411732 82081
  • Email:Emma.Weitkamp@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo Twitter logo

About me

My research interests explore narrative in science communication, considering both arts and media practice and the actors involved in science communication. Current and recent research projects include: 

COALESCE - an EU funded project to develop a European Competence Centre for Science Communication, and an associated Science Communication Academy. You can find out more about the project here: https://coalesceproject.eu/

Science and Arts conference 2023 (funded by Schering Stiftung)

Internationalising Science Journalism Education, a British Council funded project to explore the skill needs and competencies required for science journalism. This project was in partnership with IISER Pune. To find out more:  https://www.sciencemediacentre.in/exploring

Science for Environment Policy (https://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/index_en.htm) - we have been involved with this project, funded by DG Environment, since 2007. 

I am co-author of three books:

Science & Theatre, communicating science and technology with performing arts: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/doi/10.1108/9781800436404, co-authored with Carla Almeida, Fiocruz, Brazil

Creative Research Communication, https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9780719096518/ co-authored with Clare Wilkinson, UWE

Introducing Science Communication, https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/introducing-science-communication-9780230573864/ with Mark Brake.

Area of expertise

I developed the MSc in Science Communication together with Professor Emeritus Frank Burnet and subsequently developed the PgCert in Practical Science Communication offered by UWE. I currently lead the 'Science, the Public and Media' module that forms part of our postgraduate taught provision.  I teach on a level 3 Science Communication module and contribute to teaching on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offered by the Faculty. I have supervised over 25 MSc projects to completion and also supervise undergraduate project students. 

Recent PhD student completions

2022 David Judge, Rethinking transformative visitor experience in a science exhibition

2020 Elena Milani, exploring vaccines advocacy on social media

2017 Wilasinnee Triyarat - An exploration of the Science Caravan in Thailand. Funded by the Royal Thai Government.

2016 Helena Wythe - The W.E.L.L. Study Wise Eating in Later Life. Funded by University of the West of England, Bristol – Director of Studies.

2008 Helen Featherston - Risk communication of climate change: stakeholder objectives and public responses, Funded by University of the West of England, Bristol – Director of Studies.


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