Miss Harriet Smith

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  • Qualifications:BSc Psychology, MSc Health Psychology
  • Position:Research Associate - Centre for Appearance Research
  • Department:HAS - Health and Social Sciences
  • Telephone:+4411732 84197

About me

Researcher with 5+ years' experience in applied health psychology research across industry & academia, currently working within the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) at the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR). My work focuses on promoting positive body image and diversity of appearance amongst adolescents and children via new and innovative methods. I started in this role in 2019 and have since worked on an exciting portfolio of international research projects aiming to develop and evaluate digital body image 'micro-interventions' (e.g., chatbots, mobile games, e-books) for young people around the globe including in the UK, USA, and Brazil. We can't do this work alone and have collaborated with likeminded innovators in academia and industry, including recent partnerships with UNCIEF (Brazil), Talk2U, Cartoon Network and PlayMob.

Prior to this role, I worked as both an Assistant Psychologist and a Research Associate, on a wide range of health-related projects including; neurology, cancer, body image, cosmetic surgery and visible difference. I am passionate about using tech for good and making digital healthcare more accessible!

Harriet received her Master's in Health Psychology (with honours) from UWE in November 2018 and was recipient of the runner-up prize for best MSc Health Psychology Research Project, for her work entitled: 'Looking beyond the patient in brain injury fatigue – partner's experiences and support needs' awarded by British Psychological Society (BPS). She also has a 1st class Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology.

At CAR, I am is currently working on developing and evaluating a kid's media positive body image intervention for 4 – 6 year olds and a qualitative study exploring women's post-partum body image. She is also a member of CARDIE (CAR's diversity, equity and inclusion working group). 

My research interests include;

  • The development and evaluation of digital interventions.
  • Micro-interventions.
  • Positive body image in adolescents and young children.
  • Cross-cultural research.
  • The power of social media.
  • Women's health (including pregnancy & post-partum).


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