Mrs Jenny Narborough

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  • Qualifications:SFHEA, PGCertHE, BSc(Hons)
  • Telephone:+441173282983

About me

I joined the University of the West of England in 2019 and am currently working as a Senior Digital Learning Designer in the CHSS Digital Learning Service.

I have worked in Higher Education since 2002 and gained my Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching whist practicing as a new lecturer. I have since achieved Senior Fellow status from the Higher Education Academy, mentored others with their HEA applications and been part of UWE's PGCert programme team. I have recently worked as an external for Bath Spa University on their Professional Practice in Higher Education Award.

Digital technologies have been a big part of my studies and working practices, and I have been part of Digital learning teams 4 HE institutions. I am fascinated with how learning technologies are integrated into the curriculum to enhance and provide appropriate experiences for all involved.


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