Miss Lucy Cox

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About me

Lucy Cox is an educator, collaborator and academic leader in the School of Arts.

Lucy came into Higher Education in 2010 from industry, having established her own arts marketing company in Clerkenwell, London with 120 staff and a portfolio of top cultural institutions including; TATE, V&A, Barbican, Southbank Centre, British Museum, Sadler's Wells and many more.  

As Associate Director for Interdisciplinary Discourse Lucy now sits in the School of Arts Executive and has accountability for a portfolio of teams working across subject disciplines: Visual Culture, Art & Design Foundation, and an Industry Partnership Project Team which includes New Wave Creative Agency and our Arnolfini and Spike Island research fellow and support assistant. 

This role aligns to key principles of work which Lucy has developed across 14 years in HE - where Interdisciplinary practice is at the core of her work. Her pedagogic approach to evolving L&T within 60+ degree programmes plus broad knowledge of creative sector practice enables her to work across subjects with fluency. This experience has led to an in-depth understanding of the spaces which sit between disciplines; identifying opportunities to break silos, flatten hierarchies and enhance L&T, student support and industry engagement.

Lucy is experienced in:

1) Professionally oriented curriculum design - industry linked, practice-led & accessible to all. 

Lucy is a qualified European HE Quality Assurance Assessor: a peer-review expert in the field of external QA for Arts Institutions in Europe (Euro standards: ESG2015). Lucy is also a qualified ILM Assessor (Institute of Leadership & Management)

2) Explorative drawing practice – used as a critical and educative tool. 

Lucy is an Ambassador for the National Campaign for Drawing – awarded for championing drawing practice through civic engagement activities since 2006. She co-founded a drawing research group (DRAW, 2004) focused on exploring the drawing process and interdisciplinary collaboration eg Arts Council funded projects with Apple programmers – Dorkbott - creating interactive robotic drawing tools for public spaces in Bristol


Area of expertise

As an academic consultant for curriculum design, Lucy specialises in employability, creative enterprise, collaborative practice and work informed learning. She is regularly involved in discourse around (more accurately) assessing the 'value of a degree' and inclusive learning & teaching which aims to improve graduate outcomes.

Through this work and discourse, Lucy analyses complex qualitative and quantitative data sets (GOS, B-3, TEF, SOC2020, Labour market info +), providing subject-level recommendations for staff at all levels.

In order to investigate barriers to learning and progression, Lucy manages a portfolio of strategic projects which build strong relationships with local, national and global contacts and networks. This  research is used both inside and outside of the institution; presented at conferences and providing recommendations to networks and professional bodies in the creative & cultural sector:

Employability Audit Tool for curriculum review purposes. Improves visibility & parity of employability elements in the curriculum. Permanently included in UWE, Bristol quality assurance process:

Competency Framework - A practical staff mapping & benchmarking tool to identify essential Professional, Research & Enterprise competencies - referencing labour market info and pedagogic models.  Presented as a best practice case-study at Enterprise Educators UK conference, 2020.

Subject Specific Employability Portfolios A school-wide project to embed digital workbooks linking assessment requirements to structured learning resources and opportunities. Module feedback demonstrates that learners feel supported into assessment as a result. External examiners highlight this work as best practice in the sector

Graduate Stories Repository  -  A research collaboration

Professional quality films showcasing graduate interviews. Provides strong programme narrative and identifies diverse trajectories of BA (Hons) Fine Art alumni. Recently presented at National Association for Fine Art Education (NAFAE) Annual Conference: The future of the Fine Art Graduate

New Wave Creative Agency  Identifying barriers to learning 

Established to address specific awarding gaps prevalent in professional practice modules.

  • Provides live, paid, flexible work (with clients) to learners who face barriers to gaining professional experience and improving access into creative employment or freelance work
  • Supports greater understanding of students' intersectional needs in HE, which are complex and pervasive.



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