Dr Noelle Quenivet

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  • Qualifications:Certificate in German Studies (Strasbourg France) - BA in International Relations (Strasbourg France and Graz Austria) - LLM in International Human Rights Law (Nottingham UK) - Certificate in Russian Language (Essex UK) - PhD in Law (Essex UK)
  • Position:Director of Research and Enterprise (BLS) and Professor in International Law
  • Department:FBL - Law
  • Telephone:+441173282137
  • Email:Noelle.Quenivet@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo Twitter logo

About me

I am an international lawyer ​specialised in armed conflicts with expertise in the protection of women (especially sexual violence) and children (especially child soldiers). My latest book, co-written with Dr Windell Nortje, focuses on the defence of duress raised by child soldiers having committed crimes under international criminal law. For the past decades, I have been involved in teaching and training humanitarian workers, military lawyers and members of NGOs.


PhD S​upervision: I am interested in supervising students working in the following areas: international law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, European human rights law, protection of women and/or children in armed conflict, institutional European Union law.​​

Area of expertise

International humanitarian law; international criminal law; European human rights law; institutional European Union law; use of force and collective security


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