Dr Sarah Bodman

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:DPhil; Higher Education Academy (Fellow)
  • Position:Programme Leader MA Printmaking / Associate Professor CFPR
  • Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
  • Email:Sarah.Bodman@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: Twitter logo

About me

Sarah is Associate Professor for Artists' Books at the Centre for Print Research (CFPR), where she run projects investigating and promoting contemporary book arts. Sarah is also Programme Leader for MA Printmaking at City Campus, Bower Ashton.

She is the editor of the Artist's Book Yearbook a biennial reference publication on contemporary book arts, published here at UWE by Impact Press, and also edits the Book Arts Newsletter and The Blue Notebook journal for artists' books. Sarah writes a column on artists' books for the journal Printmaking Today and has written for other journals including Art In Print; Axon: Creative Explorations; IMPRINT; JAB; PLI Arte & Design; The Poetry Society; The New Bookbinder; zum Beispiel / zum Buch.

Sarah works with library staff at UWE to deliver exhibitions and public engagement with artists' books, collaborates with staff on the biennial Bristol Artist's Book Event (BABE), and with artists and writers on our annual World Book Night project. She also runs the Artists' Books Partnership exhibition Programme (ABPP) which loans books from the CFPR archive.

Sarah completed a two-year Scandinavian Artists' Books Partnership Project, supported by the Nordic Culture Council in December 2022 and organised the LAND2 & Book Arts Printmaking, Artists’ books, Landscape and Nature symposium in Bristol in March 2023. She collaborated with Monika Oechsler on How to be in the Future? - Salon for a Speculative Future: Women Artists’ Print Portfolio, publication and exhibition touring 2023 - 2024. Sarah is currently collaborating with artists and curators on a Japan focused edition of BABE 2026. Current artist’s book projects include a collaboration with artist and writer Roelof Bakker on a mail art and collage exchange This Place Will Not Exist…, which will result in a publication, artist’s book and exhibition in 2025.

Sarah has given keynotes for ARLIS and ABBE (Brisbane) Booknesses (Johannesburg); and papers / presentations at Artists' books v. Livres d'artistes (St Etienne), Directed: The Intersection of Book, Film And Visual Narrative (Minneapolis), Impact 7 (Melbourne), Perspectivas do Livro de Artista (Belo Horizonte), Resurrecting the Book (Birmingham), Small Press Atlas (Rouen), Women: Art, Books and Printed Matter (Hauser & Wirth, Somerset).

Sarah gives public lectures and surgeries for external organisations such as ARLIS, Artlab, The Association of Art Historians, Festival of Ideas, London Centre for Book Arts, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, The Printhaus, The Society of Bookbinders, State Library of Victoria.

Recent exhibitions in the UK, Europe and the USA have included: The Mountains Are Calling…; B for Book at Frankenstein Press; Freedom Project Kolekcja; Archive Station at immanence; Homagen a Luiz Sacilotto.

She has been a juror/ committee / editorial board member for: Designer Bookbinders UK Bookbinding Competition; Médiatiser Le Livre D'artiste En Bibliothèque; Inscription: the Journal of Material Text – Theory, Practice, History; L'oeuvre multipliée au prisme de la collection et de l'archive; turn the page artist's book event; MCBA Book Art Biennial Prize. Sarah is also on the International Advisory Council for the Center for Book Arts New York.

She is currently supervising 6 doctoral students.

Area of expertise

Artists' books and printmaking.

Curating/organising exhibitions, writing for reference publications and working with external institutions in the field of artists' books.

Organiser of BABE - the biennial Bristol Artist's Book Event.

Collaborating with artists and writers on an annual production for World Book Night since 2010. Each event is in tribute to a particular novel. For more information on any artists' books projects or publications please visit:


IG: https://www.instagram.com/sarah.bodman/


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