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- Qualifications:BEd Secondary English and Biology, MA International Education Management
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Secondary English Education
- Telephone:+4411732 82029
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About me
I am a Senior Lecturer in Secondary English Education, working predominately on the PGCE Secondary English course in the Department of Education and Childhood at the University of the West of England. After receiving a BEd in Secondary English and Biology at the University of Alberta, I taught in schools across Japan, Ethiopia, India and the UK. As part of my MA on Education Management at the University of Leeds, I researched the work of Pupil Referral Units to repair trust in authority among excluded students. In Bristol I worked as an English Subject Lead and Lead Practitioner for Decolonising the Curriculum to build the Bristol Decolonising Network. I joined the department at UWE to engage with teacher education and teacher-activism research. I am a contributing member of The Chartered College of Teaching and a member of The National Association for the Teaching of English.