Dr Wendy Martineau

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About me

My research interests are in decolonising political theory, feminist theory, postcolonialism and critical pedagogy. I focus particularly on issues around identity, dialogue and understanding, taking an inter-disciplinary approach which draws on a wide range of literature including feminist theories, hermeneutics and postcolonial texts. 

My PhD, titled 'Achieving Cross-Cultural Understanding' (Cardiff University, 2007) was in political theory and used a hermeneutic approach to explore how we can foster conditions for understanding across lines of difference. I have Masters degrees in Political Theory (University of Swansea) and Psychology of Education (University of Bristol). I have many articles in peer-reviewed journals and am currently working on my first book, amongst other projects.

When I'm not working, I enjoy playing music, running, being in nature and hanging out with my 3 kids and my dog. 

My publications can be viewed here:

(8) Wendy Martineau (researchgate.net)

Area of expertise

Political theory, feminist theory, postcolonial literature.  


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