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- Qualifications:PhD, BEng (Hons), FHEA, PG Cert
- Position:Professor of Travel Behaviour
- Department:School of Architecture and Environment
- Telephone:+4411732 82032
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About me
Kiron is Professor of Travel Behaviour and member of the Centre for Transport & Society. Kiron's research seeks understanding of the way in which people travel and how this is influenced by the transport system and social, economic and technological change. He also seeks to identify how people's access to transport and use of transport affects their life opportunities and wellbeing. He has a particular interest in using longitudinal data (both quantitative and qualitative) in his research. Kiron was joint leader with Jessica Lamond for UWE's Architecture, Built Environment and Planning (Unit of Assessment 13) submission for REF 2021.
Current Research Interests
Travel trends and planning for the future – Kiron is part of the UWE team in the 'Triple Access Planning for Uncertain Futures' pan-European project (2021-24) which is seeking to improve the resilience and adaptability of sustainable urban mobility plans. Previously, Kiron chaired a working group of the International Transport Forum which produced the 2021 report 'Travel Transitions: How Transport Planners and Policy Makers Can Respond to Shifting Mobility Trends'.
Transport, life opportunities and wellbeing – Kiron is working with Sarah Collings on the Transport to Thrive project (2020-22) funded by the Health Foundation that seeks to address the transport barriers that young people face when accessing key life opportunities. Previously, Kiron led a study funded by DfT on Access to Transport and Life Opportunities (2018-19) and was Principal Investigator of an ESRC project on Commuting and Wellbeing (2016-17).
Evaluation of transport interventions – Kiron is currently leading a research consortium providing evaluation research support (2021-25) to DfT's Local and Regional Analysis team. He is directly involved in projects evaluating demand responsive transport (DRT) solutions in rural and suburban areas and an e-cycle pilot in Cornwall. Kiron is also a member of a research consortium funded by DfT to evaluate the Transforming Cities Fund (2019-24).
Travel behaviour over the life course - Kiron was Principal Investigator for the ESRC project on Life Transitions and Travel Behaviour (2012-14). He has developed biographical interview methods to explore what triggers people to start and stop using different mobility options such as cycling. Kiron has collaborated with international researchers on understanding the mix of transport modes that people use in their travel routines and how these change over time.
Area of expertise
Travel trends
Travel behaviour
Mobility biographies
Life course perspective
Transport and wellbeing
Social impacts
Sustainable urban transport
Longitudinal methods
Evaluation methodology