Staff profile search results

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    KTP Manager
    Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
    +4411732 83671
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    KTP Project Officer
    RBI - Research and Business Development
    +4411732 86216
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    KTP Project Officer
    +4411732 82846
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    Associate Professor in Operations Management
    Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
    +4411732 84243
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    Director UG studies BM (OS & HRM)
    FBL - Business and Management
    +4411732 81657
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    Emeritus Professor
    Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
    +4411732 83400
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    FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
    +4411732 86805
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    Associate Professor Policy and Pactice in Strategy and Innovation
    +4411732 86714
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    Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
    FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
    +4411732 87334
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    FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
    +4411732 82631
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    Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence
    School of Computing and Creative Technologies
    +4411732 83279
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    Professor in Sustainable Built Environments
    FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
    +4411732 86603
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    Senior Lecturer (Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering)
    FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
    +4411732 87226
  • Profile Photo
    Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology
    FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
    +4411732 81538

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