Senior Lecturer in Animation
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 82637
Senior Lecturer - Graphic Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 85838
Senior Lecturer BA (Hons) Animation
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84760
Award Leader : Illustration
+4411732 81457
Senior Lecturer : Illustration
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 86380
Senior Lecturer in Animation
+4411732 82119
Programme Support Assistant (Animation)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer: Illustration
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 81456
Senior Lecturer : Illustration
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 84795
Creative Project Technician & Programme Support Assistant (CCI)
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer : Animation
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84702
Senior lecturer - Illustration
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87042
Senior Lecturer in Illustration
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Associate Lecturer - Foundation (Illustration)
+44117 965 6261
senior lecturer in animation.
ACE - Film and Journalism
Course Leader BA Animation
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81955
Associate Director (Animation and Drama)
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
+4411732 84402
senior lecturer in animation.
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 85841
senior lecturer in animation.
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 81451
Senior Lecturer in Product Design Engineering
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81490
School of Education and Childhood
Senior Lecturer in Animation and VFX
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 85867
Program Leader MA Design & Senior Lecturer in BA Illustration
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84988
Senior Lecturer
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 85849
Senior Technical Instructor - Animation (Stop Motion/Lens based production
+4411732 82745
Subject Support Librarian
+4411732 84757
Programme Leader Filmmaking
+44117 965 6261
Associate Lecturer
+44117 965 6261
Digital Learning Manager
College of Business and Law
+4411732 82565
Associate Director: Design Communication
ACE - Art and Design
Associate Director: Postgraduate Taught Studies
School of Arts
Senior Lecturer : English
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84327
UWE Lead - Global Partnerships in Social and Cultural Engagement and The Daigo Gambia Project
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84751
Associate Director - Photography
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 85876
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81677
Senior Lecturer/Senior Researcher in Digital Education
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87881
Life Drawing Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Senior Audio Visual Technician DLS
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 83763
Senior Lecturer in Foundation and Academic Lead in Digital Learning ACE and CCI
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 84813
Senior Technical Instructor: Digital Embroidery
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84742
Senior Techcnical Instructor
ACE - Technical Resources
+44117 965 6261
Assistant Support Analyst – ITS
IT Services
Associate Professor of Digital Cultures
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84333
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261