Associate Professor of Counselling Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Research Fellow
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Research Fellow - Centre for Appearance Research
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 81359
Research Associate
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 87924
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82254
Senior Lecturer - Physiological Sciences (Respiratory/Sleep)
+4411732 87540
Senior Lecturer
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer Occupational Therapy
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 82092
Programme Leader-MSc Health Technology, International Partnership Lead (SAS), Senior Lecturer
HAS - Applied Sciences
Associate Professor of Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 81895
Senior Research Fellow - Centre for Appearance Research
Professor of Psychology
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Social Sciences
+4411732 83756
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 81478
Senior Lecturer : AHP
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88790
Associate Professor in Human-Robot Interaction
School of Engineering
Psychology Senior Lecturer
School of Social Sciences
+4411732 82179
Senior Lecturer - Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82336
Associate Head - Department of Health and Social Sciences
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 81238
Senior Lecturer- Sleep Physiology
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82223
Professor in Science Communication
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82081
Senior Physiotherapy Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88246
Lecturer in Health and Care Research Methods
+44117 965 6261
Professor of City Futures
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 81226
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
+4411732 81327
Associate Professor of Criminology and Public Health
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82682
Associate Professor : Centre for Appearance Research
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83975
Associate Professor for Knowledge Exchange and Patient and Public Involvement in Learning and Teaching and Consultant Occupational Therapist/Macmillan Professional
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 88202
Workforce Development Portfolio Lead
+4411732 84268
Professor in Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83552
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87027
Research Fellow - Centre for Appearance Research
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 82911
Visiting Research Fellow
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83123