Senior Lecturer
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 81011
Lecturer - Conservation Science
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer (Conservation Science)
HAS - Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Conservation Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83153
Senior Lecturer - MArch Architecture Programme Leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 83110
Head of Strategic College and Trust Partnerships
VCO - Directorate
Senior Lecturer in Architecture, Retrofit & Conservation
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 84615
College Dean for Learning and Teaching
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83120
Associate Professor in Conservation Science - Molecular Genetics
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 86934
Senior Lecturer
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Applied Sciences
Associate Professor in Economics
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL); FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 82741
Senior Lecturer & Collaborative Link Tutor
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Student and Programme Support Team Leader (SoE & CCT)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 87248
Student and Programme Support Team Leader (SoE & CCT)
Academic Services - Student Administration
Lecturer in Applied Ecology
School of Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer - Graphic Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 85838
Emerita Prof of Urban Planning
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83203
Associate Director - Spatial Practice
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 87874
Senior Lecturer in Politics
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer - Ecology
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
Associate Professor in Psychology
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 87268
Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Postgraduate Researcher
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 81251
Associate Professor
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83496
Head of School : Applied Sciences
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 85452
Research Fellow - Centre for Print Research
ACE - Art and Design
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
Professor - Cultural Interdisciplinary Practice
ACE - Film and Journalism
Senior Lecturer Neurophysiology
HAS - Executive
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Professor of Plant Physiology
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 82314
Senior Digital Learning Designer
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
People Partner
HROD - HR Advisors
Associate Director Academic Enhancement - Business and Management (UG programmes)
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 83470
Associate Professor in Property Law
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 86563
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor - GIS and Remote Sensing
+44117 965 6261
Technical Manager: Learning Support Team
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Director of the Centre for Print Research
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 85806
Senior Lecturer in Neurological Physiotherapy.
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88806
Associate Professor in Public Health (Health and Wellbeing)
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Programme Leader of BEng Architecture and Environmental Engineering
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Head of Innovation and Impact
RBI - Research and Business Development
Senior Lecturer - Environmental Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 87542
Senior Lecturer
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 81753
Pro Vice Chancellor - Equalities and Civic Engagement
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+4411732 83069
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Senior Research Fellow - Paramedic Science
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 86580
Senior Lecturer - Independent Prescribing
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 81712
Lecture in Cyber Security
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries; ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 82070
Senior Lecturer
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 81301
Professor of Criminology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82354
Emeritus Professor of Transport Engineering
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 86367
Senior Lecturer in Secondary English Education
+4411732 82029
Senior Lecturer (Planning and Development)
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81711
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Visiting Professor
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88860
Associate Professor in Building Sustainability
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Senior Lecturer: Illustration
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 81456
Senior Lecturer
College of Health, Science and Society
Senior Research Fellow: Air Quality Management Resource Centre
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
Professor in Human Resource Management
FBL - Law
+4411732 83239
Professor - Science Communication
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82146
Associate Director
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Professor of Architecture
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 87164
Senior Research Fellow
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Senior Research Fellow - Emergency Care
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
senior lecturer in animation.
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 81451
Associate Director: Integrated Practices. School of Architecture & Environment
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 87785
Professor of Sustainable Built Environments
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Associate Professor in Rheumatology
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 81973
Interim Deputy Head of School
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87279
Arthritis Research UK : Professor of Rheumatology Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 86055
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 82919
Assistant Director Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity
VCO - Directorate
College Manager
FET - Executive
+4411732 83094
Director of Learning Resources
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83062
Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design Thinking
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Associate Director: Postgraduate Taught Studies
School of Arts
Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Medical Physics
School of Applied Sciences
Associate Professor in Urban Planning
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81936
Senior Lecturer
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Professor in Cyber Security
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Emeritus Professor in Music Therapy
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 88220
Associate Professor - Dept of Law
FBL - Law
+4411732 82198
Lecturer - Art
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Pro-Vice Chancellor for Health
Senior Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 82089
Research Associate
School of Engineering
Professor of Clinical Research and Practice
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88911
Senior Lecturer - Graphic Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87818
Senior Lecturer - Graphic Design Ba and MA Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87819
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 87792
Associate Professor of Sustainable Freight Futures
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 87549
Associate Director: Partnerships and International
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 88859
Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88840
Associate Director - Planning and Sustainable Change
School of Architecture and Environment
Senior lecturer - Illustration
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87042
Associate Professor
School of Education and Childhood
+4411732 84052
Research Fellow -CHCR
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Transport Engineering
School of Engineering
Wallscourt Associate Professor
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 86931
Professor of Public Health
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Visiting Fellow
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81385
Professor - History and Heritage
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84437
Professor of Innovative Construction and Project Management
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 85343
Associate Professor : Centre for Appearance Research
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83975
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 81319
Senior Research Fellow
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87389
Wallscourt Senior Research Fellow
School of Applied Sciences
Professor of Accounting
College of Business and Law
Associate Director Student Academic Journey
College of Business and Law
Professor of English Literature
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84455
Associate Professor in Social Anthropology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 81617
Lecturer in Law - Bristol Business and Law School
College of Business and Law
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Research Associate
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Senior Lecturer in Mechatronics
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Visiting Professor: Geography & Environmental Management and Academic Practice Directorate
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83042
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+44117 965 6261
Director - Centre for Research in Sustainable Agri-Food & Environment
HAS - Applied Sciences
Senior Research Fellow - Centre for Appearance Research
Associate Professor of Men's Health and Long Term Conditions
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS); HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 81795
Professional Lead/Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88816
Senior Lecturer : Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88939
Senior Lecturer (Biological Sciences)
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 81078
Research Fellow - Centre for Appearance Research
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Professor of Appearance & Health Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82192
Programme Leader-MSc Health Technology, International Partnership Lead (SAS), Senior Lecturer
HAS - Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 88449
Professor in Continence Care
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 86863
Associate Professor of Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 81420
Professor in Rheumatology and Psychology
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411734 27418
Director of IBST
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82472
Associate Professor - Clinical Research
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 87495
Director of Research and Enterprise (School of Social Sciences)
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 87141
School of Education and Childhood
Senior Lecturer: Photography, Film and Moving Image
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87067
Programme Leader BSc(Hons) Data Science and PhD Director of Studies
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+44117 965 6261
Associate Professor of Physical Activity and Health Promotion
HAS - Allied Health Professions
Associate Professor Biosensing and Diagnostics
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS); HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82461