Deputy Director Student Life Services
+4411732 86477
Director: Student Life
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 83436
Student Life Team Leader
+4411732 81563
Student Life Team Leader
+4411732 85873
Student Life Coordinator
Student Life Assistant
+44117 965 6261
People Services Deputy Manager
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD)
+4411732 82522
Director of IT Services
Associate Professor - Clinical Research
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 87495
Commercial Services and Tax Director
Commercial Services
+4411732 82378
Deputy Director of Planning and Business Intelligence
Finance - Business Intelligence
+4411732 81797
Deputy Director LCI Discovery and Resourcing
Library Services
+4411732 82495
Deputy Vice-Chancellor &Registrar
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+4411732 83245
Deputy Director of Estates & Facilities
+4411732 83907
Director of Digital Learning Services
+4411732 82680
Deputy Director of Library Careers and Inclusivity
Library Services
+4411732 83768
Student and Academic Services Administrator
+4411732 81468
Deputy Head Careers and Enterprise (Student Engagement)
+4411732 84406
Life Drawing Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81699
Deputy Registrar
+4411732 86747
PBS Administrator Student and Academic Services
+4411732 87170
Service Operations Administrator - Student & Academic Services
+4411732 81700
Programme Director Student Journey Programme
Strategic Programmes Office
+4411732 84155
Associate Director Student Academic Journey
College of Business and Law
+4411732 84295
Director Student Data and Systems
+4411732 86071
Deputy Head of Student Support (Wellbeing)
+44 (0)117 32 86662
Deputy Technical Manager (research)
HAS - Applied Sciences
Deputy Head of College
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83138
Project Co-ordinator Student and Partnership Services
Strategic Programmes Office
+4411732 84653
Deputy Technical Manager (Teaching)
Deputy Head of School
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 87210
Deputy Director and Research Manager Centre for Print Research
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 85843
Professor of Education Policy in Critical Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
Deputy Hospitality Supervisor
+44117 965 6261
Associate Director - Student Academic Journey UG
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 82317
Head of Accommodation Services
Facilities - Accommodation
Tech Client services.
IT Services
+4411732 84377
People Services Change Manager
HROD - HR Business Partners
+4411732 87186
Engineer (Client Services)
+4411732 87493
Technician - Client Services
+4411732 85635
Building Services Engineer (Electrical)
Facilities - Site Operations
+4411732 81843
Professor in Science Communication
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82081
Interim Deputy Head of School
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87279
Programme Co-oordinator - Nursing and Midwifery
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 88478
Deputy Head ofAcademic Quality and Partnership Enhancement (Collaborative Provision)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 81690
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Future Students)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82883
"Research Administrator, Commitee Services
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 81167
Security Services Admin
Facilities - Site Operations
+4411732 83593
Head of Accommodation Services
Facilities - Accommodation
+4411732 82786
Deputy Data & Systems Manager
HROD - HR Systems and Information
+4411732 83687
Engineer - Client Services
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 87092
Deputy Payroll & Pensions Manager
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD); HROD - Payroll
+4411732 82730
People Services Team Manager
HROD - HR Advice Hub; HROD - HR Advisors
+4411732 87918
Customer Services Team Leader
Facilities - Accommodation
+4411732 81915
Customer Services Assistant
+4411732 81846
Deputy Data Protection Officer
Deputy Head of Accommodation
+4411732 82155
People Services Assistant
+44117 965 6261
Customer Services Assistant
+4411732 83595
Engineer - Client Services
IT Services
+4411732 84177
Senior Customer Services Assistant
Facilities - Accommodation
+4411732 81845
Customer Services Assistant
+4411732 81893
Buildings and Services
Facilities - Estates Operations
+4411732 86008
Accommodation Services Systems Officer
+4411732 81525
Project Delivery Manager
+4411732 87148
Senior Engineer (Client Services)
ITS - Strategic Business Engagement
+4411732 84179
Customer Services Assistant
Facilities - Accommodation
+44 1173282603
Engineer - Client Services
IT Services
+4411732 83708
Technician - Client Services
+4411732 84914
Visa Services Officer
+4411732 81057
People Services Assistant
+4411732 81787
People Services Assistant
+44117 965 6261
Director of Research and Enterprise (School of Education and Childhood)
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 83608
Deputy Head of Disability Service
SPS - Disability Services; Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
Interim Deputy Dean of School
+4411732 88951
Deputy Programme Leader (Automotive Engineering)
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81839
CAS : Student Administration Team Leader (FET)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82765
Programme Administration & Assessment Officer(FBL)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82237
Programme Co-ordinator - NSS Bounceback EDM
Academic Services - Student Administration
+44 (0)117 32 83368
Law SPS - Officer
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82064
Placement Coordinator
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82770
Academic Director
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 86546
Director (Academic)
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84746
Associate Director
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 81377
Student Administration Team Officer
Academic Services - Student Administration
Health Placement Support Co-ordinator
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 88560
Quality Adviser(Partnerships)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 83996
CAS : Programme Administration & Assessment Officer (FET)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 83200
Programme Admin & Assessment Administrator (FBL)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 87175
External Reporting Technical Lead
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 81379
Employer Engagement Officer - FET
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82207
CPD Administrator
Academic Services - Student Administration
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+44117 965 6261
Student Money Service Team Manager (Money Advice & Student Engagement)
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 85603
Director of Business and Management (Postgraduate)
+4411732 87463
Director LCI
Library Services
+4411732 83744
Director RBI
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 83860
Director, NCCPE
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 87188
Associate Director
School of Engineering
+4411732 83879
Associate Director
FBL - Law
+4411732 81108
Deputy Head Careers and Enterprise (Placements)
SPS - Employability and Enterprise
Senior Lecturer in Building Physics and Services
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Engineer (Client Services)
IT Services
+4411732 85401
Client Services Support Manager
IT Services
+4411732 82684
Engineer - Client Services
IT Services
+4411732 87093
Customer Services Team Leader
Facilities - Accommodation
+4411732 84249
Services Marketing Manager
+4411732 84192
Customer Services Assistant
+4411732 81982
Head of People Services
HROD - HR Services
Customer Services Assistant - Accommodation
+4411732 82925
Customer Services Assistant - Accommodation
+4411732 81642
People Services Assistant
+4411732 81740
Director (Partnerships)
Associate Director
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 86499
Procurement Director
+4411732 82239
Associate Director
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 86163
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
FBL - Business and Management; Marketing
Student Engagement Coordinator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86812
Information Point Team Leader/ UNISON Branch Chair
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
81292 / 84278
Assistant Disability Advisor
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 84272
Student Advice Co-ordinator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 85493
Careers Consultant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 87047
Student Support Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 85519
Senior Lecturer-Criminology
Project Manager
HAS - Technical Resources
+4411732 82493
Professor of Food Systems
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 81591
Director - Partnerships
School of Arts
+4411732 84787
Deputy Director of Library Careers and Inclusivity - Head of Careers and Enterprise
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81506
Director of Learning and Teaching and Deputy Head of Department: Education and Childhood
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 81042
Student Support Adviser
SPS - Student Advice and Information Points
+4411732 83512
Professor in Health Services Research
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 88750
IT Support analyst - Client Services
+4411732 87488
Deputy Head of College CBL
College of Business and Law
+4411732 86946
Enquiry and Disability Services Librarian
Library Services
+44 (0)117 32 82401
Director of Research and Enterprise. Professor of Air Quality & Carbon Management
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 83825
Senior Lecturer
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 81753
Deputy Head of School of Social Sciences
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Social Sciences
+4411732 82516
Programme Admin & Assessment Administrator(ACE)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 84411
Student Data and Systems Officer
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 86652
Administration and Operations Administrative Assistant
Academic Services - Student Administration
International Partnerships Team Leader
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 81671
Enquiries and Disability Services Librarian
+4411732 87616
Client Services - Assistant Support Analyst
IT Services
+4411732 81595
Lecturer in Building Services Engineering
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 81945
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 81731
Head of Disability Service
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 84122
Assistant Disability Advisor
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81342
Student Support and Wellbeing Admin Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81694
Business Change Manager/UNISON Branch Secretary
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 84772
Information Point Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86847
Student Advice Team Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 88864
Disability Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 82121
Information Point Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 85408
Go Global Team Leader
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86104
Disability Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 87846
Information Point Team Leader
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86843
External Relations Project Development Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81288
Student Ventures Manager
SPS - Employability and Enterprise
+4411732 86971
Senior Lecturer Primary Care : Academic In Practice
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88484
Associate Professor in Organisation Studies
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83468
Wellbeing Coordinator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 85531
Visa Administrator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86623
Student Support Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 83878
Placement Coordinator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 84290
Information Point Team Leader
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 88561
School Manager (School of Law)
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
SIRT Team Administrator
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 83769
Student and Programme Support Team Leader (Arts)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 88810
Programme Administration & Assessment (ACE)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 87539
School Manager (Applied Sciences)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 81796
Student Programme Support Officer
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82695
Student Programme Support Administrator
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 83316
Partnerships Team Officer
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 85052
Administrator - Partnerships SAT
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 87185
Law SPS Team Leader
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82262
Student Experience Coach
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 87648
Student and Programme Support Team Leader (SoE & CCT)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 87248
School Manager - School of Engineering
Academic Services - Student Administration
Quality Administrator
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 84367
School Manager, School of Architecture & Environment
Academic Services - Student Administration
Student Ventures Manager
SPS - Employability and Enterprise
+4411732 87557
Technical Director
HAS - Executive
Director (Academic)
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 88613
Associate Director
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE); School of Arts
Finance Director
+4411732 83785
Director - Partnerships
School of Architecture and Environment
Head of Student Journey Communications
+4411732 81135
Customer Relations Assistant - Accommodation Services
Customer Relations Assistant - Accommodation services
+4411732 81742
Lecturer - Building Physics and Sustainability
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 86153
Associate Director: Academic Enhancement
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88921
Associate Director: Interdisciplinary Discourse
School of Arts
Associate Director: Design Communication
ACE - Art and Design
Director : Urban Research
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83359
IT Operations Director
IT Services
Associate Director - Photography
School of Arts
+4411732 85820
Associate Director -Organisation Studies
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83734
Assistant Director of Apprenticeships
+4411732 84948
School Director- Partnerships
Student Caseworker
Academic Services - Complaints and Appeals
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Professor of Clinical Research and Practice
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88911
Technical Instructor -Construction materials
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86378
Associate Director - Photography
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 85876
Director of Technical CATE
+4411732 85855
Associate Director - Economics
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 86985
Director of Learning Resources
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83062
Associate Director for Apprenticeships
+4411732 86781
Associate Director Policing
+4411732 82500
NCCPE Director of Programmes
+4411732 81098
Post Graduate Reseacher
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+44117 965 6261
Information Point Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86849
Senior Careers Consultant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 83787
Information Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86846
Administrator : Wellbeing Service
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86098
Global Employability Development Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 82766
Money Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
82822 or 86813
Information Point Team Leader
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 81291
Disability Advisor
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44117 965 6261
Employer Relations Administrator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 82014
Information Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86848
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Management Information)
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86853
Assistant Disability Advisor
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 82359
Pre H.E Careers Consultant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 87435
Quality Enhancement Officer
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81294
Programme Leader - Drama and Acting
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Director (Academic) Law
FBL - Law
+4411732 81312
Associate Director - Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Associate Director (Energy Technologies)
School of Engineering
Director - Future Students
+4411732 83888
Associate Director Cyber security
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
+4411732 83167
Director - Learning and Teaching
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82470
Director : Bristol Robotics Laboratory
+4411732 86334
Associate Director -Learning & Teaching
+4411732 87104
Director People & Organisation Development
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD)
+4411732 81212
Director- Practice Learning
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 88812
Assistant Finance Director
+4411732 84952
Student Caseworker
Academic Services - Learning and Teaching Enhancement
+44 (0)117 32 83371
Quality Advisor (Partnerships)
Future Students, Communications and Marketing
Student Caseworker
+4411732 82615
Phd Student
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering
Student Data and Systems Manager (Continuous Improvement)
Student Data and Systems
Student Caseworker
+44117 965 6261
Phd Student
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Associate Director: Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84137
IBST Director : Research & Enterprise
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86694
Director - Learning and Teaching
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 84717
School Director- Academic
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Engineering
+4411732 81375
Associate Director - Energy Technology
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 86068
Associate Director - HRM
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 87304
Director - Learning and Teaching
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 82836
Associate Director (Design Communication)
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 86894
Associate Director Law
Bristol Law School
+4411732 82212
Deputy Dean of Bristol Business School
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83441
Subject Matter Expert - SIS Project
Academic Services
Immigration Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 87605
Disability Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 83090
Careers Administrator
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81581
Information Point Assistant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86038
Information Assistant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86841
Student Data and Systems Officer (Operations)
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86021
Student Advice Team Service Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 82900
Information Point Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 86845
Career Consultant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 87629
Global Student Support Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86964
Student Support Adviser
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+44 (0)117 32 83927
Senior Lecturer - Financial Technology
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
Academic Services: Programme admininistration and assessment (FBL)
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87607
Business Process Analyst - Digital Education Services
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Psychology
HAS - Allied Health Professions
Student Data and Systems Manager (Student Records)
+4411732 85041
Student Data and Systems Manager (Student Journey)
+4411732 81069
Student Data and Systems Manager (Student Journey)
+4411732 84632
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Student Allocator)
+4411732 83450
Student Administration Team - Student Administration Officer
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Engineering
+4411732 81272
People Services Advisor: HR Advice Hub
HROD - HR Advisors; HROD - HR Advice Hub
+4411732 82689
People Services Advisor: HR Advice Hub
+4411732 82833
Pro-Vice Chancellor and Head of College: Health, Science and Society
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Assistant Director of People (Talent)
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD); HROD - HR Business Partners
+4411732 81211
Associate Director (Animation and Drama)
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
+4411732 84402
College Director of Doctoral Research
College of Business and Law
+4411732 86158
Graduate School Deputy Manager (Job share) and PGR Assessment Manager
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 82877
Deputy Graduate School Manager (job share) & PGR Assessment Manager
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 81079
Director of Estates and Facilities
Facilities - Executive
+4411732 81816
Associate Director for Information Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87921
Associate Director Subject Cluster 1
+4411732 83019
Director of Learning and Teaching
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87509
Lecturer in Creative and Professional Writing
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 82667
Associate Director Cluster Two
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88861
Director of IBST
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82472
Associate Director - Spatial Practice
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 87874
Associate Director (Environmental Performance)
+4411732 83780
Associate Director- Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Associate Director (Mobility Technologies)
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 87841
Associate Director - Fine Art
School of Arts
+4411732 84058
Associate Director - Practice Learning
School of Health and Social Wellbeing; College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 87522
Director Of Apprenticeships
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+4411732 86745
Associate Director (Intelligent Systems)
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+44117 965 6261
Associate Director: Digital Construction
School of Architecture and Environment
Assitant Finance Director
+4411732 86987
Associate Director - Filmmaking
School of Arts
+4411732 81894
Director of Learning & Teaching
FBL - Law
+4411732 81920
Associate Director - Fashion
School of Arts
+44117 965 6261
Assistant Director IT Delivery
+4411732 81850
Associate Professor Policy and Pactice in Strategy and Innovation
+4411732 86714
Senior Lecturer - Building Services Engineering Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83314
People Services Consultant - Policy and ER
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD)
+4411732 81715
People Services Advisor: HR Advice Hub
HROD - HR Advice Hub
+4411732 81273
Head of Business Services (Estates & Facilties)
+4411732 82953
Associate Director: Partnerships and International
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 88859
Associate Director of School -FACS
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83554
Assistant Director: Research Culture & Environment
RBI - Research and Business Development
+4411732 83306
Assistant Director of Estates - Projects
+4411732 83457
Director of Learning and Teaching
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Associate Director - Law (Undergrate Programmes)
+4411732 81500
Directorof Accreditations
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 83411
Professor of Travel Behaviour
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 82032
Senior Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 86149
Marketing Coordinator - Student Recruitment
Future Students, Communications and Marketing
+4411732 82724
Technical Lead (Student Journey)
Student Data and Systems
+4411732 82744
Head of Student Analytics
Finance - Business Intelligence
+4411732 81520
Student Money Service Adviser
SPS - Money Advice and Funds
+4411732 84507
Student Experience Projects Manager
+4411732 81320
Student Money Adviser
SPS - Money Advice and Funds
+4411732 83296
Marketing & Student Recruitmen
+4411732 86433
Student Success Coach - Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Student Information Request Administrator
+4411732 86787
Student Communications Officer
+4411732 82141
Student Support Adviser
+4411732 84741
Student Support Adviser
+4411732 85678
Student Administraion Team Administrator
+4411732 81274
Placement Student [Finance]
+4411732 81476
Senior Student Case Worker
+4411732 81710
ITS Student Support Ambassador
+4411732 82047
Student Experience Coach
Academic Services
+4411732 81544
Student Support Adviser
+4411732 82135
Student Experience Coach
+4411732 82138
Student Ventures Graduate Intern
SPS - Employability and Enterprise
+4411732 81857
Student Experience Coach
IT Service Management Analyst
IT Services
+4411732 86424
Lecturer in Architecture
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81230
Senior Lecturer
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83119
Associate Director(Building & Construction Management)
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81431
Professor: International Director: Asia Pacific
+4411732 86572
Associate Director Academic Enhancement - AEF
College of Business and Law
Director - Digital Cultures Research Centre
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 85821
Associate Director - Audio & Music Technologies
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Associate Director: Postgraduate Taught Studies
School of Arts
Enquiries Support Librarian
Library Services
+4411732 87269
Senior Midwifery Lecturer
HAS - Allied Health Professions
Programme Leader BA Hons Fashion Textiles
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Deputy Head Academic Quality and Partnerships Enhancement (Standards and Accreditation)
Academic Services
Senior Lecturer: Healthcare/Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82471
Student Money Service Adviser
+44 (0)117 32 86734
Student & Programme Support Officer
Student & Programme Support Officer
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Student Advice Co-ordinator
+44 (0)117 32 81941
Student Support Adviser
+44 (0)117 32 85691
Phd Research Student
School of Applied Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Student Administraion Team Administrator
+4411732 81791
Student Communications Officer
+4411732 82936
Student Recruitment Events Officer
+4411732 82078
Student Experience Coach
SPS - Student Advice and Guidance
Student Project Co-ordinator
+4411732 82530
Student Ambassador Assistant
+4411732 82758
Senior Student Experience Coach
+4411732 81383
Student experience coach
Student Experience Coach
Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+44117 965 6261
Finance Placement Student
Finance Placement Student
Student Support Advisor
SPS - Student Advice and Information Points
+44 (0)117 32 88828
Senior Student Caseworker
+4411732 86114
Student Communications Officer
Future Students, Communications and Marketing
+4411732 82152
Senior Engineer Student Admin
IT Services
+4411732 81073
Senior Engineer (Student Admin)
IT Services
+4411732 81067
Senior Engineer Student Admin
IT Services
+4411732 81076
Student Experience Coach
Library Services - Learning Services
Student & Programme Support Officer
+4411732 87252
Student & Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 83491
Student Administration Team Administrator
+4411732 81924
Staff & Student Engagement Officer
+4411732 82173
Student & Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 82106
Student & Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 82640
Student Casework Operations Manager
+4411732 82283
CHSS Student Support Advisor
Student Support Officer
+4411732 82977
Student Programme Support Administrator
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Student Programme Support Administrator
+44117 965 6261
Student Support Adviser
+44 (0)117 32 85495
Student Support Adviser
+44 (0)117 32 86839
Student Project Co-ordinator
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87567
Student Communications Officer
+4411732 86496
Student Support Adviser
+4411732 81146
Student Administration Team Administrator
+4411732 81966
Student Experience Coach
School of Engineering
+4411732 82497
Student Recruitment Events Officer
+4411732 82091
Student Administraion Team Administrator
+4411732 82118
Placement Student [Finance]
+4411732 82429
Placement Student [Finance]
+4411732 82266
Student & Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 82905
Graduate Assistant Student Experience
+44117 965 6261
Student Project Coordinator
+4411732 81631
Student & Programme Support Officer
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Social Sciences
+44117 328 1683
Student Support Co-ordinator
+44117 965 6261
Student & Programme Support Administrator
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Emeritus Professor of Transport Engineering
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 86367
Senior Lecturer Environmental Management
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81725
Research Associate
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 84157
Senior Student Caseworker
+4411732 82293
Senior Engineer Student Admin
IT Services
+4411732 81070
Student & Programme Support Officer
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Computing and Creative Technologies
+4411732 86304
Student Ambassador Scheme Coordinator
SPS - Recruitment and Outreach Office
+4411732 82668
Head of Student Communications
+4411732 83648
Student Administraion Team Administrator
+4411732 81280
Student Success Coach
FBL - Law
+4411732 84153
Marketing Coordinator - Student Recruitment
+4411732 82704
Student & Programme Support Officer
College of Business and Law; Bristol Business School
+4411732 81523
Student Engagement Coordinator
Library Services
Global Student Support Manager
+4411732 82268
Phd Research Student
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Student Experience Coach
+4411732 81437
Student Experience Coach
Student Money Service Assistant
SPS - Money Advice and Funds
Student & Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 81528
Student Experience Coach
Student & Programme Support Officer
College of Business and Law; Bristol Law School
+44117 965 6261
Student & Programme Support Officer
Senior Wellbeing Practioner (Counselling)
+4411732 81184
Senior Lecturer
+4411732 81487
Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Project Management
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81285
Senior Experience Coach
FBL - Business and Management; Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
Student Data and Systems Manager (Digital Experience)
Student Data and Systems
Associate Professor/ Enterprise Champion
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83129
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+4411732 82126
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+4411732 86285
Student Data and Systems Officer (Fees and Student Finance)
+4411732 85835
Student Data and Systems Officer (Fees and Student Finance)
+4411732 85406
Student Data and Systems Officer (Fees and Student Finance)
+4411732 87489
Student Communications Officer - College of Health, Science and Society
Future Students, Communications and Marketing
+4411732 83618
Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Student Data and Systems Officer (Fees and Student Finance)
Director of Partnerships and International
College of Business and Law
Associate Director: Geography and Environment
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 86560
School Director-Learning and Teaching
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83116
Associate Director-Marketing /Events&Tourism
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87696
Associate Director of Academic Practice
+4411732 87393
Director, International Recruitment and Admissions
+4411732 83093
Senior Lecturer Children and Young Peoples Nursing
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 82665
Lecturer-Engineering[Modern Manufacturing Technologies]
School of Engineering
Senior Business Analyst
Strategic Programmes Office
+4411732 87466
Director of Research and Enterprise (SOAS)
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 87655
Director of Business Development and Partnerships
+4411732 88653
Director of the Institute Bio-Sensing Technology
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 82606
Associate Director (Literature / Linguistics / Creative & Professional Writing)
School of Arts
+4411732 81789
Student & Programme Support Administrator - CATE
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 87419
Student Administration Officer HAS SAT
+4411732 87319
Student and Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 85664
International Partnership Team Student Administrator
+4411732 81562
Student Information and Request Team
+4411732 81357
Student and Programme Support Administrator
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Applied Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Head of Project Delivery and Improvement - IT Services
IT Services
CUC Policy Manager/UWE Academic Services Governance Manager
+4411732 86937
Deputy Head of Academic Quality and Partnerships Enhancement (Curriculum)
Academic Services
+4411732 81348
PA to Executive Dean and Deputy Dean and Associate Dean
+4411732 86550
Deputy Head Of Careers & Enterprise (External Relations Development)
+4411732 82661
International Director Africa & Senior Lecturer Organisational Studies
College of Business and Law; FBL - Business and Management; Future Students
Associate Director Future Health and Care
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery; Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88856
School Director of Research and Enterprise
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84343
Director of Learning & Teaching - School of Arts
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84847
Senior lectuer in Accounting and Finance
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
Quality Account Manager - Faculty of Environment and Technology
+4411732 87409
EDI Projects Officer
Student Voice and Academic Policy Team Manager
Academic Services
+4411732 81943
Professor of Education and Social Justice
Senior Lecturer in Economics
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
Associate Professor - Computer Science
+4411732 81060
Director of Learning and Teaching - BristolBusinessSchool
Bristol Business School
+4411732 83912
Associate Director - Academic Enhancement (UG Law Programmes)
FBL - Law
+4411732 81439
Director UG studies BM (OS & HRM)
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 81657
Associate Director - Planning and Sustainable Change
School of Architecture and Environment
Faculty Director of Postgraduate Research Studies
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82189
Analyst - Academic and Student Systems
ITS - Applications & Development Testing
+4411732 83100
Student and Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 85027
Lecture (Graduate Tutor/PhD Student)
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 81507
Student and Programme Support Officer
+4411732 81483
Student and Programme Support Officer
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 81814
Student and Programme Support Administrator
+44117 965 6261
Head of Student Money Service
+4411732 86818
Student and Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 84276
Student and Programme Support Officer
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 81438
Head of Student Data Futures
+4411732 86917
Student and Programme Support Officer
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 81576
Student and Programme Support Administrator
+4411732 82987
International Partnership Team Student Administrator
+4411732 81307
Student and Programme Support Administrator
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+44117 965 6261
Student and Programme Support Administrator
Bristol Business School
+4411732 81037