Technical Instructor -Construction materials
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86378
Engineering Materials Science Technical Instructor
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 87415
Lead Systems Engineer Broadcast Film & Journalism
+4411732 84711
Technical Instructor
+4411732 87670
Technical Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84005
Technical Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 82916
`Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 81430
Technical Instructor
School of Arts; College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84708
Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer - Construction Project Management
+44117 965 6261
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84025
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
Senior Technical Instructor - Photography
ACE - Art and Design
Hourly Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor : Fabrication
+4411732 84004
Digital Design Technical Instructor
+4411732 81032
Digital Design Technical Instructor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82219
Technical Instructor - Cyber Programming
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Technical Instructor-Journalism
+4411732 84604
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries; ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 85871
Senior Technical Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84004
Senior Technical Instructor
+4411732 85883
Senior Technical Instructor - Drama
+4411732 84565
Senior Technical Instructor - Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83253
Senior Technical Instructor
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84920
Moving Image Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor : Digital Fabrication
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor - Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 82111
Technical Instructor : Large Format Printer
ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 84789
Senior Technical Instructor: Digital Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84012
Senior Lecturer - Product Design Engineering
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 82992
Live and Digital Performance Technical Team Leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 82044
Senior Technical Instructor : Wood Centre
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84004
Senior Technical Instructor: Physical Fabrication
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84004
Senior Technical Instructor: Digital Embroidery
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84742
Senior Technical Instructor : Digital Design Studios
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
Senior Technical Instructor : Film Making & Documentary
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84818
Area Coordinator & Senior Technical Instructor - StitchSewing
+4411732 84742
BIM / CAD & Immersive Technologies Technical Instructor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86618
Senior Technical Instructor - Digital Engineering Technologies
FET - Technical Resources
+4411732 81648
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Senior Technical Instructor : Digital Design Studios
ACE - Technical Resources
Technical Instructor - GIS and Remote Sensing
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor : Digital Fabrication and Fabrication
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 84005
Senior Technical Instructor - Cinematography and Post-production
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Senior (Lead) Technical Instructor - Audio Post Production
+4411732 84605
Senior Technical Instructor for Live & Digital Performance
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Technical Instructor - GIS and Remote Sensing
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81684
Senior Technical Instructor for Live & Digitial Performance
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Visiting Fellow
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81385
Lecturer in Materials and Structures
School of Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Associate Director(Building & Construction Management)
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81431
Lecturer Interior Design
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+44117 965 6261
Associate Director: Digital Construction
School of Architecture and Environment
Professor of Sustainable Construction
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 82996
Technical Instructor in Numerical Analysis and Computational Engineering
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82849
Senior Technical Instructor (Digital Design Studios & Digital Fabrication)
School of Arts
Senior Technical Instructor - Animation (Stop Motion/Lens based production
+4411732 82745
Lecturer in Construction Project Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Senior Techcnical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 81168
Lecturer in Civil Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+44 117 328 1338
Senior Lecturer / Programme Leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83191
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+44117 965 6261
Technical Manager – CATE Technical Infrastructure
+4411732 85852
Senior Lecturer Cinematography & Lead Senior Technical Instructor Cinematography & Postproduction
+4411732 84799
Senior Lecturer in Real Estate
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
+4411732 87306
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 82339
Technical Manager
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88522
Senior lecturer in Sustainability (Materials and Hydrogen Technology)
School of Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Technical Educator
HAS - Technical Resources
+4411732 84034
Technical Educator
+4411732 82116
Technical Facilitator
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81488
Senior Media Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84369
Life Drawing Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Demonstrator
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Textileas Print Technical Demonstrator
ACE - Technical Resources
Technical Manager
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81338
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
+4411732 82049
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Senior Techcnical Instructor : Knit
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Senior Techcnical Instructor
+4411732 84004
Visiting Fellow and Associate Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83057
Technical Director
HAS - Executive
Technical Operative
+4411732 85672
Technical Facilitator
+44117 965 6261
ACE Senior Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84149
Professor of Innovative Construction and Project Management
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 85343
Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83096
Senior Lecturer in Quantity Surveying
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 84758
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Senior Tecnical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 84201
Senior Fitness Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Senior Techcnical Instructor
ACE - Technical Resources
+44117 965 6261
Senior Instructor in Audio
+44117 965 6261
Business Innovation & Skills Development Manager
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 81660
School of Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Manufacturing Technician
FET - Technical Resources
+4411732 81556
Technical Lead (Student Journey)
Student Data and Systems
+4411732 82744
Project Room Technical Support
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83003
External Reporting Technical Lead
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 81379
Technical Educator/Research Associate
Technical Facilitator team leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 81440
Deputy Technical Manager (Teaching)
Technical Team Leader - Fabrication
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Computer Science and Programming Instructor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81242
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 87581
Technical Educator - Forensic Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
Electronics Mechatronics Technical Team Leader
FET - Technical Resources
+4411732 86314
Technical Manager ACE Specialist Systems Support
ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 87852
Senior Technicial Instructor - Education/Science
School of Education and Childhood
+4411732 84106
Senior Fitness Instructor - Personal trainer
+44117 965 6261
Deputy Technical Manager (research)
HAS - Applied Sciences
Director of Technical CATE
+4411732 85855
BRL Technical Manager BRL
+4411732 86337
Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Real Estate and Property Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 87547
Senior Technical Specialist
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
CSCT Technical Team Leader
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81345
Technical Team Leader - FACS
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82488
Central Loans Technical Facilitator
+4411732 81448
Project Manager
HAS - Technical Resources
+4411732 82493
Director of Research and Enterprise. Professor of Air Quality & Carbon Management
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 83825
Associate Professor of Architecture
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 82089
Senior Lecturer - Architecture and Planning
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 84837
Lecturer in Building Information Modelling
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET); School of Architecture and Environment
Lecturer in Engineering Practice and sustainability
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Lecturer in Engineering Technologies
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
SDS Technical Lead (Future Students)
+4411732 84721
Technical Team Leader - Environmental Science
+4411732 81767
Lecturer in Integrated Art, Media and Design Foundation and Senior Technical Instructor - Physical Fabrication
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Central Loans Team Leader
ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 85428
Electronics Technician
FET - Technical Resources
+4411732 86591
Senior Lecturer in Building Physics and Services
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Lecturer Creative and Professional Writing
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81703
Senior Lecturer
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 82970
Lecturer in Experimental Structures
School of Engineering
Technical Manager: Learning Support Team
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
School of Arts Technical Manager
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83157
Fluid Simulation Programmer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Instructor, Drama and Film Making
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
SDS Technical Lead (Future Students)
+4411732 81554
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 86149
Associate Professor
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 81768
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82727
School of Engineering
Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Project Management
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81285
+44117 965 6261
Senior Laboratory Technician
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83683
Deputy Programme Leader in Project Management and Senior Lecturer in Project and Engineering Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET); FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81896
Data and Systems Technical Lead (Facilities)
ITS - IT Operations; Facilities - Technologies
+4411732 87345
Data and Systems Technical Lead (Facilities)
Facilities - Technologies
+4411732 82246
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Engagement)
+4411732 86655
Technical Resource Manager - Make/Physical Making
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84727
Laser Cutting and 3D Printing Technical Demonstrator
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81136
Senior Lecturer in Project Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81899
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Student Allocator)
+4411732 83450
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (CETTS)
Facilities - Timetabling and Examinations (CETTS)
+4411732 86298
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Graduation)
+4411732 86921
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Apprenticeships)
+4411732 82252
Ph.D. Researcher
School of Architecture and Environment
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Alumni)
+4411732 84301
Programme Leader - Msc Building Surveying
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 87587
Wallscourt Associate Professor in Digital Manufacturing
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 87545
Lecturer- Strategic Operations and Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 86901
Senior Lecturer in Fiction Filmmaking
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81903
Student Project Co-ordinator
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87567
Senior Lecturer in Politics, Human Rights and Gender
School of Social Sciences
Emeritus Professor of Transport Engineering
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 86367
Director of Learning Resources
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83062
Wallscourt Fellow in Performance and Performance Technologies
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Future Students)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82883
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Curriculum Management)
+4411732 85485
Senior Lecturer - Building Services Engineering Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83314
Professor of Knowledge Exchange in Architecture
School of Architecture and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Technical Team Leader - Molecular Biology/ Co-lead WP for SOAS
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Management Information)
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 86853
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (External Reporting)
+4411732 87361
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Points Based System)
+4411732 82598
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+4411732 82126
Senior Lecturer Physical Activity Health and Wellbeing
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+44117 965 6261
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Casework & Support)
Student Data and Systems
+4411732 88230
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+4411732 86285
Professor of Biomedical Sciences
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82147
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Civil Engineering
+44117 965 6261
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 84024
Lithography technician
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87095
Senior Lecturer in Architecture - BSc (Hons) Architecture Programme Leader
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 86147
Senior Lecturer in Architecture, Retrofit & Conservation
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 84615
Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
School of Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Design and Model Making Workshop Technician
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Graphic Support / Photography
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83790
IBST Director : Research & Enterprise
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86694
Senior Research Fellow - Bristol Robotics Laboratory
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
+44117 965 6261
Associate Professor of Architecture and Building Performance
+4411732 82995
Senior Lecturer Project Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure/Associate Director Engineering Practice and Management
School of Engineering
+4411732 85146
Lecturer in Building Services Engineering
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 81945
Senior Lecturer (Research) & NIHR/HEE ICA Mentorship Scheme Lead
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Programme Leader - BA(Hons) Marketing
FBL - Business and Management
Senior Lecturer: Quantity Surveying & Contract Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86523
Associate Professor of Mathematics
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 84248
Professor of Architecture
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 87164
Professor and College Director of Post-Graduate Research
School of Engineering
Dean and Head of School Computing and Creative Technologies
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies; FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies
Bristol Business School
+4411732 82710
Studio Technician at UWE Spike Island Studios
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 81743
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82200
Pro Vice Chancellor - Equalities and Civic Engagement
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+4411732 83069
Senior lecturer in Simulation
HAS - Health and Social Sciences; HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
Programme Leader QSCM & Senior Lecturer : Quantity Surveying
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 82649
Programme Leader of BEng Architecture and Environmental Engineering
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Senior Lecturer : Integrated Foundation Fashion/Textiles /Graphic Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Post Graduate Researcher
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 86128
Professor in Embedded Cognitive AI for Robotics
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 86182
Enterprise Architect
ITS - Enterprise Architecture & Strategy
+44117 328 2140
Senior Research Fellow CFPR
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Lecturer in Quantity Surveying
School of Architecture and Environment; College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 81395
+44117 965 6261
Programme Leader for the International Doctorate in Education and Senior Lecturer : Education & Humanities
ACE - Education and Childhood
Associate Director
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 86499
Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Production
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83077
Senior Lecturer Audio Technology
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 81514
+44117 965 6261
"Senior Lecturer
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81281
Project Room Support Technician
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83005
Film / Multimedia Producer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83008
Joint programme and Studio Module Leader ATD 2/3
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 84819
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Senior Laboratory Technician
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82860
Senior Lecturer: Strategy&Operations
FBL - Law
+4411732 83182
Lecturer in Organisation Studies
+4411732 86938
Senior Lecturer - Geography
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83044
Senior Lecturer in Primary Education
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Senior Lecturer : Fashion Textiles
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84843
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+44117 965 6261
Head Hocky Coach
Facilities - Centre for Sport
+4411732 86355
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering
+4411732 86836
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81873
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87244
Earth Science Laboratory Technician
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83193
Assistant Director of People (Culture & Change)
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD); HROD - Organisational Design and Development
+4411732 87209
Lecturer in Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87685
Team Leader-Geosciences
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86041
Phd Research Student
School of Applied Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Programme Leader Product Design Technology
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 87374
Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
School of Engineering
Head of Impact and Engagement
RBI - Research and Business Development
+4411732 83257
Professor of Cultural Production
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84778
Associate Professor
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81698
Programme Leader MSc Risk Management and Insurance and Senior Lecturer - Risk Management and Insurance - Bristol Business School
College of Business and Law
+4411732 81532
Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87009
Senior Lecturer: Illustration
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 81456
Associate Professor
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 84979
Associate Professor
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Visiting Professor - Sustainability and Theory
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83464
Senior Lecturer in Journalism.
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87863
Senior Research Fellow
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83023
Associate Director - Energy Technology
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 86068
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Design
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83248
Senior Lecturer in Fintech
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 81651
Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Director of the Centre for Print Research
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 85806
Associate Professor and Wallscourt Fellow - Film &Digital Arts
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 84773
Professor in Computer Simulation and Machine Vision
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 82009
Senior Lecturer in Electronic Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Associate Professor in Building Sustainability
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87027
Associate Professor Policy and Pactice in Strategy and Innovation
+4411732 86714
Senior Lecturer : Fashion Textiles
+4411732 84831
Senior Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 82089
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+44117 965 6261
Business Improvement Manager
SPS - Strategy and Planning
+4411732 82788
Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 85233
Senior Lecturer
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87177
Senior Lecturer
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 86557
Associate Lecturer & Assessor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82122
Senior Lecturer and Level 2 Year Tutor for Criminology
+4411732 87612
Senior Lecturer Computer Science
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Program Leader MA Design & Senior Lecturer in BA Illustration
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84988
Senior Lecturer in Structures and Composites
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81278
Associate Professor: Assistive Robotics
+44117 965 6261
Associate Professor
School of Education and Childhood
+4411732 84052
Quality Account Manager - Faculty of Environment and Technology
+4411732 87409
UWE Lead - Global Partnerships in Social and Cultural Engagement and The Daigo Gambia Project
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84751
senior lecturer in animation.
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 81451
Senior Lecturer
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82161
Senior Lecturer in Healthy Urban Environments
AHoD Partnerships in Computer Science and Creative Technologies
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 85511
Research Fellow in Active Travel and Micromobility
School of Architecture and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Wallscourt Fellow In Design and Material Futures
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 84187
Associate Director - Fashion
School of Arts
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Finance
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87246
Lecturer in Histories and Theories of Architecture
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81229
Associate Professor/ Enterprise Champion
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83129
Associate Professor of Cyber Science and Network Security
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87162
Senior Lecturer
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84131
Professor of Innovation and Technology Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83463
Programme Leader IPGCE
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84161
Senior Lecturer - Molecular Biology
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 81724
Professor in Safety for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
School of Engineering
Associate Director: Postgraduate Taught Studies
School of Arts
Senior Lecturer in Strategic and Operations Management
+44117 965 6261
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 81319
Professor - Geomorphology and Heritage in Conflict
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 87884
Lecturer in Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Professor of the Built Environment
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83915
Senior Lecturer - Human Resource Management
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 83781
Senior Research Fellow (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow)
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87833
Senior Lecturer - Fashion Communication
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 83597
Lecturer-Engineering Management
Deputy Head of College
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83138
Senior Lecturer : Graphic Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81464
Interim Deputy Head of School
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87279
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 82631
Senior Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Pro-Vice Chancellor & Head of College
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81503
Senior Lecturer - Accounting and Finance
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 87254
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87552
Senior Lecturer in Smart and Resilient Cities and Structures
School of Engineering
+4411732 82353
Associate Lecturer
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Digital Media
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+44117 965 6261
Reseach Associate: Centre For Print Research
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81182
Lecturer in International Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Human Resource Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Programme Leader BSc(Hons) Data Science and PhD Director of Studies
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Art Shop Supervisor
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Lecturer-Engineering Management
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+44117 965 6261
Research Fellow
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81191
Senior Learning Designer
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Academic Services - Enhancement and External Examining Team
Research Fellow
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Energy Technology
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81535
Lecturer-Engineering Project Management
School of Engineering
+4411732 82702
Emeritus Professor of Accounting
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 83419
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 82297
Senior Lecturer- Information Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Associate Professor Biosensing and Diagnostics
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS); HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82461
Emerita Prof of Urban Planning
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83203
Professor of Material and Sensor Sciences
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82501